Bubblegum Pink Scarf

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Fionna's POV:

"Gumball?", I said carefully seeing how petrified he looked, "Are you ok?" Prince Gumball didn't reply, his face full of an emotion that I did not recognize. I realized that I was still holding onto Marshall's hands, blushed, and quickly let it go, knowing that it would make the situation worse. Great, thanks Marshall, now I basically have no chance with Gumball. When Gumball still wasn't saying anything, Cake gave me a quick glance, sending off words of caution and carefulness through that one look.

"Look Gumball", I pleaded, "It's not what you think!" I glanced around to Cake and Marshall for help. Cake was busily looking at her claws, while Marshall was staring intently at an ornament on the wall. "Marshall flew us here from his house which is why we were holding hands," I explained, not wanting to reveal what had really happened and put the blame on Gumball. Moments after it came out of my mouth, I realized how lousy that excuse sounded. Why would I still hold onto Marshall's hands even after he dropped us off? The dejected look in Gumball's eyes told me that he didn't believe me at all. Why does this have to happen to me, I cursed silently in my head, my crush thinks that I'm taken even though he obviously likes me and I'm not in a relationship.

At this point, Marshall finally turned his crimson red eyes away from the creme puff and looked Gumball right in the eye. "Hey, I'm sorry about this Bubba, but Fionna's right. It's nothing like what it lo-"

"I've seen enough to know what's going on," Gumball interrupted sadly.

"Please sit down Gumball, I can explain everything," I begged, as anger started creeping up into my head at the unfairness of it all.

"Fi-Fionna", Gumball murmured miserably, "I really do have to go. You kn-know. Big project of mine that's coming up. Thank you for inviting me here though. B-bye."

"Wait, Gumball, please" I pleaded.

Gumball stopped at the door and turned around to my direction with a sad smile on his face. Then he turned back to the ladder and left.

I stood there petrified at what had happened. "This is all your fault Marshall," I screamed suddenly.

"But Fion-"

"Leave Marshall, please. I had enough of your teasing for one day."

"Fionna, I'm sorry. I'll talk to Gumball, I'll make sure he comes back to his senses," Marshall said, refusing to look me in the eye, "I guess I should go now. I'll see you later.

Cake shot Marshall a glare as he left, and immediately went to comfort me.

"Aww honey, don't cry. I'll be honest with you, you really shouldn't have yelled at Marshall like that."

"I know, Cake. I don't know what the fuck has gotten into me. Everything just went horrible today" I whimpered, refusing to believe in my horrible luck.

"Well, I'll be honest with you Fionna. It could have been worse. Gumball really seemed sad and jealous when you were holding hands" Cake gave me a small smile and said, "Come on, you should wash up after the rain last night. I don't want you to get a cold. If you need anything after, I'll always be here."

I flashed Cake an appreciative look, knowing that she will be one of the only people I will forever trust.

I stepped into the bathroom, immediately breathing in a scent of sweet bubblegum. Waves of nostalgia hit me, as I remembered the memories of me and Gumball together. When I first met him, he seemed perfect for me. So irresistibly sweet and passionate, so charming and nerdy at the same time. But he never seemed to bat an eye on me, and here I was, finally making a move and now he thinks I'm in a relationship or something. Why do I have such bad luck with boys?

Good Little Guy (A Gumshall Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora