2. Hiccups

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Harry's POV

I was just pouring the freshly popped pop corn in the bowl and bringing in to the living room where my girlfriend and I was about to watch a movie. I put the bowl on the coffee table and sit next to Y/N. I put my arm around her and she cuddles in to me. I love our movie nights where we watch the lastest movie and just cuddle all night eating junk food.

The movie had just started about 20 minutes ago and Y/N started hiccuping. It was getting on my nerves as they wouldnt stop. I knew it wasnt Y/N's fault that she had hiccups so I wasnt going to say anything as I didn't want to make her up set so I had a plan.

"Hey, why dont you get a glass of water and see if that helps to get rid of your hiccups?" I ask

Y/N gets up and go to the kitchen. I follow behind her but she doesnt know and than I wait just outside the kitchen behind the door frame so she doesnt see me.

As Y/N just turns aroud from the sink with her full glass of water i run up to her and make her jump.

However as I scared her she spilt more than half of her glass of water on the floor and around our feet.

She did not look happy. Oops!!!

"Why dont you clean this mess up while i go get a clean pair of socks" Y/N ordered and walked out of the kitchen.

As I was about finished moppping up the spilt water, I notice Y/n walking past the kitchen door.

"Have your hiccups gone?" I shouted in to the living room.

I walked back in the living room seeing Y/N eating the popcorn still looking a little bit mad at me for scarying her. I sat down next to her with a smile  spread right across my face.

"so? have they?" I ask looking in her beautiful eyes.

"uh, ermm.... I think so" Y/N not turning her head away from the TV screen.

"Your welcome" I say in a whisper but I knew she heard me. Then a small grin was spead a cross my face showing my dimples.

Misson Complete !!!!


Harry scarying me was not funny at first but than when I noticed my hiccups had gone I was happy as they were getting on my nerves. But I wouldn't give in to Harry that his plan had worked as he would just have that silly grin on his face for much longer. However knowing that Harry is happy and his plan worked makes me happy. Plus I dont mind seeing those adorable dimples.


please comment and give feedback thanks.

Jess x

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