Chapter 20

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Hermione spent the weekend at Draco's; she hadn't brought up the wedding but was planning on talking to him about it at dinner Sunday night. They were going out for a nice dinner, and she was excited to ask him to go with her. 

"Ready to go, dear?" Draco was standing in the doorway of his room in a nice suit. She nodded as she slipped on her shoes and linked arms with him. She had learned in the short time that she had gotten to know Draco that she liked getting dressed up every once in and while. She dressed nicely for work, but she had learned to like doing it for herself. 

"So, how did your lunch with Ginny go? I never asked you about it," Draco smiled at her as Hermione as down across from him. 

"It was nice. She was happy for us. I am concerned, but we talked it through, and she thinks it is a good idea to wait a while. Which we both already knew. She is just glad I am happy." Hermione blushed and looked down slightly as she said it.

"Hermione, you know you make me so very happy too," 

"I'm glad because you sure have been spoiling me," 

"You are worth it," Draco took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly," 

They talked about their weeks as they ate, and finally, Hermione worked up the courage to ask Draco about coming to George's wedding. She wanted him to come with her so badly, and it was going to be a few months after they moved in with one another. That should give everyone time to calm down about the situation. 

"Draco," Hermione waited for him to look up and nod at her. "Well, you know how George's wedding is coming up in May,"

"Yes," Draco raised his eyebrow. She couldn't possibly think that Weasley's would be alright with him coming with her. 

"I talked to George about it, and he said I have to come with someone. No exceptions. Of course, I wouldn't want to go with anyone but you. So I asked him if it would be alright if I brought you, and he said that would be alright," 

"Hermione," Draco didn't know what to say. Would George Weasley really agree to something like that?

"Draco, please. I have put a lot of thought into it. We are going to have to come out as a couple before we move in with one another. Then it will be 3 months after we move in with one another before the wedding. People will have calmed down about it by then, and if they haven't, then it isn't our fault. You have changed. I know that, and Ginny knows that, and when I talked to Harry about it sometime next week, he will know that too. I want you to come."

"Are you sure that George is okay with it? His brother was murdered."

"I am fully aware of what happened to Fred. I talked to him in person, Draco, he is alright with it. All he asks is that you bring him and Angelia something expensive as a wedding gift," Hermione laughed slightly at the last part. 

"Okay. I'll come."

"Thank you, Draco. Thank you so much."

The next morning at work, when Hermione went into her office, the Minster was sitting at her desk. Hermione's stomach dropped. What was the Minister doing in her office, early on a Monday morning?

"Minister," Hermione tried not to let her voice waver. 

"Hermione, I was waiting for you. I knew you would be in early and wanted to catch you before you got busy with work." 

"Is there something I can help you with, sir?"

"Yes, there is actually," Kingsley stood up and smiled brightly at the girl in front of him. Hermione waited for him to continue as she fiddled with the necklace that hung around her neck. "Hermione, I want you to be my second in command. I want you to start at the beginning of the new year. I am asking you now so that you have the rest of this month and all of December to get any unfinished work completed."

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