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Pc is mine

So we've discussed my definition of alone , you must under stand by now what I mean by click. Often a word not used to describe what I mean but to me it fits perfectly. A feeling you get when you first meet someone or maybe someone you remeet. That feeling is there, a sudden sense of happiness and contentment ,"you fit with this person and it makes you happy". This is a great thing and all but there's only one problem ,What If That Person Does Not Click With U. To them you're there class/work friend not the best friend , your only friend. That hurts like a punch to the hart ,the person you click with dosent click back. It's even worse if that said person has their own group they click with. Because you don't belong here you are the class/work friend nothing more, you can be dropped on a whim. It's even harder if you individual hate said clicks . As you look at them and just wonder how, how do you click with these people. As You continue, knowing that person doesn't click back ,they fit in a group you do not. You Just ignoring it so you don't have to be alone. Be the supporter always someone to come to ,always alone. Don't get me wrong you probably have "a lot of friends " though if you're any thing like me you won't consider those people friends. There you're class/work friends but you don't thing of them that way, more on the lines of acquaintances , vary pestilent one's.

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