Prologue : Connor's POV

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I awake in a zen garden with quart walkways over a glistening river and greenery most everywhere you look. In the middle of the river, all of the walkways meet to create some sort of platform with a wall of roses where a woman is taking care of the flowers. I walk over to this lady, when I approach her she notices me but doesn't seem to care. She is a dark-skinned girl with her hair braided into a bun, she looks older maybe mid-40s. I tap her on the shoulder
"Excuse me, where am I?" she turns around and says "Good morning Connor, we are at our zen garden do you not remember anything?" So that's my name, Connor, it's nice. 'What is your name?" I ask, and she responds with, "My name is Amanda, I am the one that built you. Are you sure that you don't remember anything since you've been built?" I kept on thinking and trying to remember what happened, but I came up with nothing. "N-No, I don't remember anything.' I say concernedly.
"Well then, I guess I'll have to explain." She says almost annoyed at me, but I ignore that and listen, "You were sent out on your first mission a couple of days ago to save a little girl who was held hostage by a deviant android who was ready to jump off an apartment building with the little girl in his hands. You didn't know much about the android so it was fairly hard to complete the mission. You tried to convince the deviant to get down from the ledge, but instead, he tried to jump off with the little girl. You were fast enough to save the girl, but you weren't able to save yourself in the process." As she is explaining all of this to me I start remembering bits and pieces of that night, but she keeps on talking so I continue to listen.
"Connor, do you have any idea why you failed or how you could've completed that mission more effectively?" As I think about the mission I realize how I decided to save the girl's life instead of my own. "I think I thought at the time that the girl's life mattered more then mine so if it were to get so close to falling then I would run after the girl. But I could have been more effective if I knew more about the android." Amanda shakes her head as if I did something wrong. "Amanda, did I do something wrong?" She almost looked stunned when I said that "Connor, you didn't do anything wrong, just not right either.
Connor, I'm sending you out for another mission and I expect you to succeed in the process. You know your purpose, right Connor?" "Yes Amanda, I will fix the deviants. You can count on me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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