Never Do It in the Bedroom

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Draco Malfoy was in a fix and the only person who could get him out of this was Ginny Weasley. But to get through Ginny Weasley was tougher than getting through the Minister of Magic.

"Come on, Weasley, you absolutely must help me," Draco yelled over the noise of the bar, following his friend as she navigated through the place to find her boyfriend.

"Malfoy, why must I absolutely help you?" she looked back at him with a smirk.

"Because we are friends, Weasleys. I thought you lot understand the concept of friendship better than us Slytherins."

"You were a Slytherin almost a decade ago, you arse."

"Come on!"

"Alright," she said once she had reached the table where Harry was waiting for them, "I will help you. On one condition."

"What's going on tonight with the two of you?" Harry asked them. He was used to the bickering or bets between Draco and Ginny. It was a daily affair, sometimes exhausting but mostly entertaining.

"Draco wants to land a date with Girl Wonder," Ginny smirked. Harry spat out his drink and laughed.

"What's so funny about that?"

"You are 24, mate, you don't have to land a date," Harry mentioned. "Plus you are quite handsome."

"If you thought before you spoke, Harry, the problem is not the landing a date bit," Draco sulked and took to drinking at a fast pace.

Draco wondered how he landed here, asking for Ginny and Harry to help him get a date with The Smartest Witch of Her Age. But then he thought of way back when they first became friends, due to a mix-up in Quidditch tickets right after they had graduated Hogwarts, and he was grateful for what the shared. Now, falling hard for Hermione Granger (to no one's surprise), he thanked his stars for these two idiots as well as the rest of the Weasley clan.

"How can I help?" Harry asked him.

"You're serious?"

"Of course, what are friends for? Plus, Ginny can lay her conditions all she wants, I know how much I want to be godfather to your and Hermione's bushy-haired blonde babies." At that, Draco Malfoy grinned like the true lovesick idiot he was.

"Draco, there's a date that precedes the babymaking process, you know that?" Ginny asked him. Fuck this Weaslette.

"Ginny," he mumbled. "You won't get it. You guys had it easy."

"I understand. I will help."

"Thanks. What's your condition though?" he smiled at her. She leaned in with a smirk and whispered something to him. After processing what she told him, Draco (rather scandalised) nodded his head in silence.

"I suppose you won't tell me what it is?" Harry asked the two.

"You will find out soon, mate," Draco grinned. "Alright, I have to report to St. Mungo's for a bit later at night. Ginny, I will call in on you tomorrow at work." With that, Draco left his friends and took the Floo to the hospital. Right in time to see Hermione emerge from her office, ready for their shift together.

Well, bless his night.


"Draco, can you pass me the potatoes?" he heard Hermione from across. Seated at the Weasley dining table for Saturday dinner, he had been busy admiring the way candlelight hit Hermione's hair.


"Sorry, here." He shook himself out of his thoughts, going back to the conversation around him. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed Hermione giggle and flash Ginny a smile. He ignored that, just for now.

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