𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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"Delacroix, stay! Stay!"


"What do you think you're doing, mixing all those together!?" Divus Crewel screeched in repugnance as Mira— no, Amir, fake chortled in alarm. Amir, seriously? Since when did she lose her creativity and alter her name by switching two letters? As much as she deplored it, it seemed that seven years had gone by very well — having her be in her second year of suffering in Night Raven College. Perhaps it was because she was astounded by the fact that she had reincarnated into a world where magic was the norm that made her feel suddenly resolved to learn more about it. It was a new sensation and she somehow liked how magic worked.

This also meant cross-dressing in order to make it into one of the best academies for magic. It was worth it, she sometimes felt pressured by the number of things she needed to commemorate but nonetheless anything that wasn't traditional to her was a peculiar experience waiting to be ventured.

"A-Ahaha, sorry 'bout that, Crewel-sensei," she muttered, her eyelids feeling abundant from the lack of sleep that she needed to catch-up on along with the homework that people called 'common sense'. The ten years that she tried to recall without being Mira confused her, as the memories that she used to get bombarded with were now enervated. It seemed that she didn't quite get retained of her past life as well, the life of a lonely woman who barely managed to reach her desires of making it to her favoured university.

Not like she wanted to recall it, anyway.

Divus lamented, although it sounded unsurprisingly elaborate to her ears before his hand ruffled her slightly curly short hair. She mentally groaned by the fact that taking care of short hair that was dishevelled at the ends was harder than long and soft lengths. Mira wished she didn't have to go to such measures where she even had to cut the hair of someone else's body when cross-dressing, yet she had no choice unless she wanted to increase suspicions of her true gender. It was rare of Divus to ruffle her hair and give compliments, so she decided to think it was a good thing.

"At least you managed to complete the other tasks. Good boy," the teacher replied emphatically as Mira perked up from looking at the cauldron. Unlike everyone else, she had to take extra alchemy classes in order to perfect her control with magic. She wondered why she was struggling so much with the basic magic, yet it seemed that her hard work had come into fruition where she was able to use it on par with the other students who had 'magic private lessons', or so she called it in her mind.

I guess magic tutoring isn't very rare, assuming that lots of people in Japan had to attend a cram school. Anyhow, it seemed that Mira's family didn't depend on her for magic since she's a female. If she were a male ,the pressure would've hit her hard.

She packed her belongings, the 300-page notebook that she had always carried around in order to take note of the new things that she had never seen before. Although it had been just more than a year since she had arrived at Night Raven College, she was barely familiar with her classmates and teachers. Perhaps it was because she consulted some of her teachers to allow her to study at a different time, using her disadvantage as a sociopath as an excuse in order to not fit in well with her classmates. For an entire year, she had been studying with a wholly different schedule compared to the other students, to her luck.

"Now," she susurrated to herself as she took the key to the Ramshackle dorm and unlocked the entrance. Despite being a student, she had ditched the entrance ceremony and decided to live in a random disorganised building without the principal realising. "I need to pack these ingredients for today's dinner, clean up the eighteenth room of the dorm — ah, I also need to get some stuff from the weird shop. Oh, shite, today's the entrance ceremony for the first-years, so I should probably be careful."

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