Bye Bye Tears...

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When sadness drifts you apart from everyone

When bitter words clash your little world and put ur little heart broken

When tears cascade down your eyes like waterfall

And feeling of loneliness keeps you all night awake like owl

Never let this feeling keep enclosed inside you

Shout out pain...mayble a friend will to listen it..who is loyal and true...

Never bolt ur room and cry secretly

Ur tear glands will dry...but they won't care who had hurt you enormously...

So what to do and what to not...

Here a person suggests something who has cried a lot

Cry cry until you throw the stupid pain outside

Crying never shows weakness...It means you are loyal enough and there is nothing to hide

Read books,text friends,talk to someone who will understand

Listen to songs, Call a friend ,walk by seashore hand in hand

Try to keep urself all the time busy...

Take this nasty feeling very very easy..

So whenever sorrow will think of visiting you again

Make sure it runs away with never fading smile you have gained... :-)

                              - /\/€|-|@

Wisdom of a broken heart#wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora