Cillian Murphy 🍭 Sweet Dreams

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Imagine your older brothers friend catching you out of bed

Everyone in the house was asleep. Except,you were having trouble sleeping like usual. Finding yourself restless, you decided to throw your hoodie on, leaving your pj shorts on and tip toe downstairs to the kitchen. You were rifling through the cupboards for a late night snack when you came across the best option, late night cereal. You were sat on the island bar stool absentmindedly munching it down when you heard someone's voice from behind you.

"And here I was thinking a hamster was chewing it's way through the house." You heard a  deep Irish accent. You jumped slightly, in shock, spinning your head quickly to meet the piercing blue ones leant against the doorway. "Sorry. Did I wake you?" You replied in a small voice. He smirked, staring at you for a few seconds. Then he broke his trance, looking down at the floor with a smile "No." He brought his lips together in a tight line and walked over to the other side of the island. He had both his hands flat against the countertop while he watched you nervously continue your cereal.

You sat there in silence, uncomfortable with the presence of the gorgeous man in front of you who you knew to be your brothers friend. "Ummm, would you like something ?" You asked, braving to make eye contact. He took a breath in only to hold it while he stared slightly above your head. Then he simultaneously huffed his breath out while answering "No. No, I think I'm okay."

He took his hands off the counter then turned around to lean against the counter. While he had his back to you, you used the opportunity to admire his back and how , with his arms crossed, his muscles flexed underneath his shirt. You scolded yourself for staring and coughed in awkwardness. He noticed your tense demeanour since he had entered the kitchen and hearing you shift and cough behind him made him smirk. "So, what's a young girl like you doing missing out on her beauty sleep?" You didn't answer. He took this as a signal to turn back around and lean his forearms on the table, leaning down to your level. You looked at his hands, then to his arms. Multiple fantasies going through your head just from the image. But You were snapped out of your daydream when you noticed the silence in the room. You looked up to his eyes seeing him waiting for you to answer. "I-I couldn't sleep." You stuttered, poking at your now soggy cereal with your spoon. Your eyes downcast into the bowl. His head tilted to the side, looking you up and down. "Bad dream ?" He asked with a straight face. You looked back up at him with your eyebrows raised. You picked up your bowl, sighing and walking past him to the sink. "I'm too old for nightmares." You answered, irritated by his jokes. You emptied the bowl out into the bin and stood at the sink frozen for a bit, your bowl still in hand.

He took this time to appreciate what you were wearing, a hoodie that was a bit too big for you and made you look even more small and fragile and a pair of DC batman pajama shorts. He had to admit they were a bit on the short side and gave him a nice view. You looked over to him only to catch him in the act and in a hurry pulled your shorts down, now noticing just how short they were. He noticed your bright red complexion and tried to bite back his smirk. "Maybe it was a good dream." He casually shrugged flipping him self back around to his leaning position, but you understood fully what he was implying. Deciding to ignore it, you continued to wash out your bowl giving it a quick wipe over. You didn't notice as you were drying, Cillian had stalked up behind you very slowly.

You tensed as you felt his warm breath on the back of your neck. You could feel his presence just an inch away from your back and you struggled inwardly not to give in and lean back into him. He brought his right arm up to pull your hair to the other side of your neck, leaving the back of it exposed. Then with his left hand, he let his fingertips graze lightly above your left arm causing you to break out in goosebumps. Your breathing had become noticeably heavier and your heart rate had increased, you wouldn't have been surprised if he could hear it. He brought his right arm away from your hair and with the backside of his index finger, he stroked down your neck, lighting your skin on fire and causing you to let out a small whimper. His warm voice behind you chuckled at your response and the closeness sent shivers through you. He continued to stroke your neck and brought his lips to your left ear "Coincidentally... it was a good dream that woke me up to." He whispered. You gasped quietly, choking on your breath. He brought his lips down, below your ear placing a small kiss on your skin. You sighed and finally giving in let your head fall back onto his shoulder. One hand on your hip and the other holding your hair back. He lifted his mouth from you making you whine in complaint, he gave your hip a light squeeze and your hands went out to grab onto the sink for support, afraid your knees would buckle soon. He took a breath closing his eyes briefly until he had regained his composure. "Well." He chirped, letting go of your hip and giving it a quick pat. "Goodnight." He threw over his shoulder, as he walked back to the door. You're eyes following him, still dazed and confused from your encounter.

When he got to the doorway he had entered from, he lifted his arm out then lowered it again almost apprehensively. Fluctuating on wether or not to leave our confrontation there for the night or not. He then stopped in his track lifting his hand again to grip onto the doorway. His fingers tapped on the wood unintentionally, drawing your attention to them. He then turned his whole body toward you again, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Sweet Dreams." He smirked, performing his signature lip bite and exiting into the dark hallway. You let out a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding and started fanning yourself after noticing how hot and bothered you'd become.

You looked around the room in shock and amazement, all signs of sleep for the night were now long gone.

Blue eyed Babies💠 Vol. 1- Cillian MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now