Chapter 2

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*deku view*
I woke up like normal and got ready, I'm still worried about kacchan though. I was walking to school when I saw a bunch of smoke and screaming. I didn't think much of it until I realized it was pretty close to kacchan's house. I instantly started to sprint to his house, and sure enough there I saw a badly hurt kacchan. He was screaming in pain and thrashing around on the ground. I ran up to him, "KACCHAN!!! KACCHAN!!! WHERE DOES IT HURT?!?" I got no reply. He passed out I'm assuming from the pain but then the weirdest thing happened, he started getting smaller by the second. A minute passed and he was the size of a toddler, that's when he woke up again. "Deku? Why are you so big?" Now I was really scared, I scooped him into my arms which he didn't fight against like he normally would. I started running to UA. "Hey deku, where are we going?" He said confused. "Hey kacchan we are going to school" I replied trying my hardest to not let him hear the panic in my voice. Once we were inside, I ran straight to class hoping Mr. Aizawa would know what to do. When I got to class everyone was there BUT Mr. Aizawa, of course. That's when everyone saw me holding a child in my arms, of course Todoroki started asking if he was my secret love child 🙄. Everyone else started agreeing with him, that's when kacchan got irritated with all the people talking and yelled "would all of you shut up!!! You annoying extras!!!" I was genuinely surprised, I never remembered kacchan being so aggressive at this age. "Kacchan that's not a nice thing to say!" I scolded. He scuffed and rolled his eyes, arrogant even as a toddler. Now all I could hear was "wait that's bakugo!!" And "awe he's so cute like this" Kacchan got scared and buried his face into my neck and was hugging my neck too. I chuckled at that cause he'd never show that he was scared anymore. Now that I think about it, he was never really fond of loud places despite him being loud all the time. At that time Mr. Aizawa came in, "midoriya who is that in your arms?" He said irritated. I quickly turned to face him and what I saw scared me greatly.......

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hey guys I decided to post the second chapter, I'm still trying to work on making the chapters longer to be able to enjoy them. A lot happened in this chapter. Either way thank you to everyone reading the book! I hope everyone is liking it, if ur enjoying it plz make sure to share it to anyone who ship bakudeku plz and thank you 🙏🏻 anyway until next time! ~Michelle

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