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*Its Monday, The first day of school- If you began reading this story when it was first published you need to be aware of this change I made- instead of it being October (halfway through the school year,),it's September 1st, the first day of school for Americans, and the reason she had her last day of school in Ireland is cuz irish schools begin in August ⛓💖💔*

My alarm woke me up at 6:30. I got up quickly, which isn't usual for me but it's because I'm excited/ nervous for today!:7/€:):€:€€:
I wore my yellow nike essential hoodie, 720's and grey gym shark leggings.- something simple but cute because I know the boys are way hotter in america😃😃
My mom gave me, my sister and my brother a ride. My sister is a junior and my brother is a senior.
We could have walked since we're so close to the school but we prob would've got lost.

 We could have walked since we're so close to the school but we prob would've got lost

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The school was GIGANTIC.
When we went in the entrance, we went up the the fancy ass front desk and my brother and sister were assigned their schedule but I was told to go to the main auditorium since I was a freshman.
I was escorted to the auditorium and when I entered it was super noisy.
After a while, a woman began speaking into a microphone.
"Good morning students!" The lady said.
"I am your principal, ms Douglas" and she continued to give an inspirational speech about how the school would be our second home, blah blah.
"Now, I would like you to get into two lines and we will be doing 'speed dating' in order for those of you who are new to get to know eachother." Ms Douglas said.
I joined the end of a line and ms Douglas put on a timer for 3 minutes.
The first person across from me was a girl with blonde hair.
"Hey, I'm Carly" she said.
"Hi, I'm Isabella" I said with a smile.
"Woah what's that accent" Carly said surprised.
"I'm irish"
"Seriously!? that's so cool! Why'd you move here?"
"My dad got a job offer in LA so we moved into Chatsworth yesterday"
"So fun!! You got snap??"
"Yeah, My user is bellamurphyy"
I then got a notif on my phone: "Carlysilb added you" and I added her back.
"You should sit with my friends and I at lunch" Carly said. She's so sweet.
"Yesss I'd love to" I replied.
As I finished my sentence, the timer went off and it was time to move on.
"I'll see you later" said Carly. I smiled and scooted along.
The next person I was across from was a girl with ratchet ass extensions. She looked at me with a fake smile while chewing her gum obnoxiously.
"Hey I'm Isabella" I said attempting to make conversation after a few seconds of silence.
"The fuck is up with her voice" she whispered but loudly to a girl beside her and laughed with her nose.
"I'm.. um Serenity, or whatever" she muttered while checking her phone. What a pretty name for an ugly bitch.
"Cute name" I said forcing a smile.
I sat there for the remainder of our time saying nothing while she whispered to her friend.
The timer eventually went and I scooted along the floor to my next person. He was a super cute boy and the first thing I noticed about him was that his shoes were gigantic. I couldn't tell what height he was since we were sitting on the floor.
"What's up, I'm bronny. I don't think I've seen you before. You new?" He said with a shockingly deep voice for his age. His voice was just as deep as my 18 year old brother's.
"Yeah, I'm new. My names Isabella." I said.
"Yo I was not expecting you to have an accent. You from the uk or something?"
"Nah I'm from Ireland."
"That's dope. Tell me about your culture"
"Well there's not much to tell you but we have a language called Gaelic."
"What!!!? I never knew irish people had their own language. That's sick. Teach me sumthing"
"Say 'An bhfuil cead agam dul go dti an leithreas' that means 'you only live once'."
He attempted to say it but failed miserably which sent me into a cackle.
"You good shawty" Bronny said smirking. Damn he's actually really cute. I sat back up and composed myself.
"You play any sports?" Bronny asked me
"Yeah I play field hockey, football and hurling"I replied.
"Bruh that's sick. I didn't know they had girls football teams."
"Ohhh you're talking American football? No I play GAA, it's an irish sport."
"American what now? It's just football" Bronny said getting jokingly worked up.
"No... we call it American football, and we call GAA football. Not everything revolves around you Americans" I said jokingly
"Last time I checked it did but-. What are the rules of 'football'" Bronny said motioning his fingers sarcastically.
Before I could answer, the timer went again and this time, instead of instructing us to move along, Ms Douglas seperated us into our homerooms.
In mine, was coincidentally, Bronny, Carly and that bitch Serenity. At least I have two friends in my class and hopefully I won't be a loner in here 😃.
When Ms Douglas finished calling out all the homerooms, we all stood up and she told us to go to our home room now and then we would be having lunch. It was at this point that I saw that Bronny was INSANELY tall.
"Score. We're in the same class" Bronny said charmingly.
"Yeah, can you guide me to our homeroom?" I said
"For sure"
When we got to homeroom, I sat with Bronny, and his friends Roshaun and Denzel. I swear all these boys are so cute. We were given our schedules and then we were just told to chat for a while.
"You never finished telling me about the rules of football" Bronny said
"Oh yeah. Basically, you have like a volleyball kinda thing and it's played on a 140m pitch. The ball can be carried for 4 steps at a time and every 4 steps you either bounce it or kick it from your hands back into your hands. A goal is when you get it into the net, that's 3 points and you get a point when you kick it through the uprights above the crossbar. You can also tackle people for the ball and it gets pretty rough"
"Damn that seems fun. You play basketball?"
"I played it for one year but I was absolutely shit at it so I quit"
"What a shame.... basketball is my life" Bronny said
"Oh fr? Maybe you could teach me"
"I'd be up for that. I charge $50 an hour" Bronny said joking.
I just pushed his shoulder which made his smirk at me.
"Y'all stay flirting" said Denzel.
"Fax" said Roshaun.
I could feel my cheeks going bright red.
"Shut the fuck up" Bronny said to them in a playful way.

*ive already started chapter 3 and it may or may not get juicier 😃 plz give recommendations on what to write abt. I already have a storyline but just some lil things you wanna see happen. MIKEY will be making an appearance in the next 2-3 chapters*

"Friends"                            ✨Bronny James✨Mikey Williams✨حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن