Public Grooming

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Why is the man putting deodorant on? Why is the woman curling her eyelashes? It's like a public bathroom. But really, I'm on the A train. Why must people groom themselves on the train, bus, taxi, etc.? I don't want your little hairs falling out of your hair into my book. If you have to wake up at 4 o'clock to do your hygiene stuff, well so be it. Why do I have to smell your fruity perfume that has like 10 different smells put in one? You don't know if I'm allergic to this stuff.
And it's not only the woman. Men do it, too. Your colon, deodorant, NOBODY WANTS TO SMELL IT.
And for the mothers, please DO NOT change your child on the way to ANY place. That's just nasty. I don't want to smell poop as soon as I step onto the train. I didn't pay my $2.50 fair to step onto a sauna of nastiness.
And for the little kids who don't realize it, you are eating your bag of Doritos on a nasty, public bathroom, disguised as the A train.


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Love you guys!💗

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