𑁍︎ | Kei Tsukishima

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We accept the love we think we deserve

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We accept the love we think we deserve.

Requested by Stars4queenie
I hope you enjoyed this!


Tsukishima stares into the classroom window as his teacher finishes today's lecture. He was one of those few kids who actually payed attention in class, but today he was a bit out of it. He tried his hardest not to look away from the clear window that showed the blue sky. If he looked away, his eyes would immediately lay on you. And just the thought of that made his stomach churn.

It's a bit unbelievable, isn't it? The Tsukishima Kei having a crush? His team would probably make fun of him, though they already do. But the teasing would be worst. He hasn't even told Yamaguchi yet. He was afraid that he might accidentally spill it out during practice.

The more he stares into the window, the deeper his thoughts were. No one seemed to notice how different he's been acting lately. Well, accept for Yamaguchi. But he didn't push it, knowing that his cool best friend would be back to normal in no time, right?

It's only been a week since it happened. But even though it was just one week, he already felt like giving up. But everytime he sees that smile of yours, guilt washes over him like a waterfall.

He couldn't even try to avoid you since you're good friends with his best friend. If he did, you'd probably get the wrong idea.


"Alright class, make sure to study for the test at the end of the week!"

The students hummed and shouted a yes and started packing up for their next class.

Tsukishima put his headphones on and grabbed his bag while pushing in his seat. It was only third period, he had a lot more to go for the day. He walks for the door, but feels a light tap on his shoulder.


He turns around, surprised, to see that it was you.

"Yes?" he asks, keeping his calm.

"I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me and Tadashi!" you exclaim happily. "Me and Tadashi planned on doing it after your practice is over, is that fine with you?"

In all honesty, he'd rather just see it with you. But the only connection the two of you really have is with Yamaguchi.

"Sure," he quipped, quickly covering his mouth with his hand. "I need to go to the restroom sorry."

You squint your eyes and watched as the tall blonde boy ran away from you.

"Does he not like me?" you wonder.

You shrug it off, picking up your own bag from the desk and walked to your next class.

While students messed around with each other and hurried to class, Tsukishima locked himself inside a bathroom stall and sat on the toilet in distressed.

He knew he was going to be late, it didn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters now was getting rid of the awful disease he had gotten.

He feels something.

It's revolting. He wants to feel something other than this pain. But how? How can he feel something else?

"Tsukki!?" a voice pops in, filled with worried. "Are you in here?"

A small gasp leaves his mouth. Unfortunately, the voice hears it.

"Tsukki! Is something wrong!?" he exclaims once again.

"Yamaguchi," he mutters. "How did you even find me?"

From the outside of the stall, he lets out a nervous laugh. "Well, I check all of the bathrooms to see if you were in there.. The teacher sent me looking for you since you didn't show up!"

"Oh, really?" he sighs. "You can go back to class, I just need to-"

But his voice gets cut off with his own blood puking out onto the floor.

"T-Tsukki!?" Yamaguchi walks towards to the stall, his eyes open wide. He sees blood.

"Are you okay?" he yells. "T-Tsukki! Should I get the teacher or-"

"Don't!" he shouts. "I told you to leave god damnit!"

"B-but Tsukki!" he argues. "What happened?"

The room stays silent. Then he opens the stall revealing the truth to his best friend.


"Tell her!"

Tsukishima gives Yamaguchi an irritated look. Does he not even understand the situation his best friend is in? He could die in just the next day!

"Shut up Yamaguchi," he scolds. "If I do I'll be dead."

"You don't know that for sure Tsukki! I bet she likes you too!"

"In my dreams," he coughs.

Yamaguchi stares at him in frustration. Him being stubborn isn't helping at all.

"T-then!" he shouts, grabbing Tsukishima by the collar of his shirt. "I'll bring L/n-San here!"


But it was already too late to stop him. He had already let go of Tsukishima and rushed out the door like a maniac.

Tsukishima lets out another one of his sighs and looks up to the ceiling. Should he give up? He's been thinking about it for awhile. It's not like his death would affect anyone really, right? Sure the volleyball team will lose a tall player, but he's sure they can find another tall person. And you, you probably wouldn't notice at all.

He should just fall into the deep hole instead of hanging on for his dear life.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi screams, opening the door with a frantic look. By his side was you with tears slowly dripping down your cheeks.

"Tsukishima-Kun?" you question softly. "Is it true? What Yamaguchi told me, is it?"

"What do you think?" he whispers, trying to get a hold of his breath. His glasses have fallen off his shirt is covered with his own blood.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault," you cry. You lean down to Tsukishima placed your hands on his pale cheek.

"I love you too," you smile sadly. "So don't die today, alright?"

"This feels so cliche," he laughs, bittersweetly. "But okay."


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