Potty Training Blues

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All younger children should be potty training to to get out of diapers but in the case Sonic and Tails didn't want to use the potty.

"Come on boys you do not want to be in a diaper forever do ya."

"But Mickey it's looks so hard plus the flushing is loud."

"Come on the toilet is nothing to be afraid of now come on be a big boys and do it."

"No." said Sonic.

"Fine if that's the way you want but when you get older feel very uncombable in your diaper."

"Plus everybody does potty training at very young age."

"Do you understand."

"Yes Mickey." they said nicely.

"Good now if you need my help let me know." said Mickey.

"Uh Sonic the toilet is more like a bird bath don't ya."

"I know Tails it looks like a monster if you pull the lever it will eat you."

In the playroom Knuckles was watching cartoons and Shadow was playing with blocks.

Shadow and Knuckles had to wander by and find them in the diapers they had on. Both Shadow and Knuckles were both in the same process of trying to be potty trained like Sonic and Tails, and the boys offer some of their diapers to their friends. Shadow is happily accepting a diaper and really can't wait to get it on, while Knuckles is a bit confused as to not only why they were wanting to get their diapers back, but also where they even got them from as he didn't know there still were any around. 

"Is potty training bad." asked Knuckles.

"Yes it eats little kids for lunch that's why it's called a potty monster." said Sonic.

Shadow didn't think that's not going to happen. "Listen faker there's no such thing a potty monster plus it's part of growing up."

Sonic frowned at him "I'll make you eat those words Shadow if you don't believe me."

"All right prove it." said Shadow.

Everybody else showed up it was Espio Amy Cream Silver Blaze Rouge and Julie-Su.

"What's going on?" asked Cream.

"Uh nothing I'm going to show you all in the bathroom."

Everybody followed Sonic into the bathroom to see what's this about.

"See guys that's what I'm talking about it's a potty monster."

"Sonic it's just a bird bath."

"If that's the bird bath why is there a toliet plunger." asked Espio.

"See there's nothing to worry about." said Amy.

"Say what is that toilet paper I wander what's for?" asked Silver.

Silver was about to touch it but Shadow stopped him "Don't touch that it's guarding it and it will attack us all."

Tails pressed the lever of the toilet it begin to flush.

"It's going to eat us." wailed Silver.

"Give it what it's want." said Julie-Su.

Blaze put toliet paper in the toilet bowl suddenly it rumbled water begin to come out of the toilet everyone ran out as fast they can.

They close the door very fast "Phew that was close." said Tails.

"I agree buddy I'm so glad we're not hurt."

Mickey came up to see what was all the commotion about.

"What's going on kids can you tell me what's wrong."

Everybody was talking all at once it was hard for Mickey what they were saying.

"One at a time everybody it does not help if you're all talking at me at once."

"You see Mickey there's a potty monster in the bathroom it tries to eat us." said Sonic.

Mickey wasn't mad at them he had a talk with them.

"You kids are curious about the toilet don't ya you see the toilet is nothing to be afraid of it doesn't eat you the water comes back and gives rid of pee and poo."

"So gives rid of pee and poo in the toliet but not us."

Mickey shook his head "Nope." he said.

"Phew I'm glad you told us I felt like I'll never try to use the potty."

"I'll tell you what how about I teach you to use the potty would you like that."

Sonic smiled very bright "Yes I'll like that."

Mickey smiled "That's great you kids are going to be big kids."

Amy came out of the bathroom covered in wet toilet paper and she was soaked.

"Oh dear Amy I'll clean you up and what a mess in the bathroom.

25 minutes later.

"All right Mickey I did it I used the potty like a big boy."

"Good boy Sonic I knew you can do it."

"I got you chili dogs as reward for using the potty."

"Thank you Mickey." said Sonic.

"You're welcome." said Mickey.

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