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Room 004

"No. No. No, no no no." Piper whisper-shouted as she paced the living room area. Grace was asleep in the other room, and had refused to go to sleep in case her mum wasn't there when she woke up. The original plan has been for Piper to leave once Finn had gotten back, but their daughter had stubbornly insisted that Piper stayed. In all honesty, Finn wasn't even sure Grace would let Piper out of her sight again, and seemed devoted to 'protecting' her. Although it really should be the other way round.


"This is bad. This is so, unbelievably bad, and unlucky. Oh god. I shouldn't have yelled. This is my faul-"

"Woah, woah, I'm going to stop you there, before you get carried away again," Finn half-stood up from his seat on the sofa, to pull her down next to him. "We can control this, okay?"

"How? For all we know, someone could already have given it to some gossip column!"



They both held their breath as they cast their eyes towards the area in which Grace slept. She rolled over in her sleep, and her woollen dog fell onto the floor. Finn automatically got up and tucked it back in with her, making sure she wasn't about to tumble out of bed after the stuffed teddy.

"Okay, first of all, they could have. Doesn't mean they did. Second of all, they don't know what you look like, and I'm pretty sure that buys us some time. And there's loads of stuff we can do to hide who you are, and we can cover it up again. It will be fine." He tried to reassure her, but she still shook her head and rested her elbows on her knees, and her forehead in her palms.

"Finn, if we do cover this all up, will I still be allowed to see Grace?"

"Of course,"

"But we just won't be able to go out like a family, will we?"

Realisation dawned on Finn. He hadn't thought of it like that. He hadn't thought about long-term effects and the side effects, only the short term ones.

Piper's phone buzzed, and they both jumped, Finn even hissing 'Shush' towards the device. She picked it up, paused, before looking up at him grinning.

"Did you just shush my phone?" The brunette had to put one hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing too loudly, but that made Finn giggle quietly, and the effort of stifling the laughter made it a lot harder to stop laughing.

After a few minutes of silent suffering, Finn wiped a stray tear, and looked up at Piper, who had her arms wrapped around her aching sides.

"That was not worth the laughter," She decided, before actually checking the message.

James: You haven't been answering any of my calls today, what's going on? I've made it as long as I can without worrying, but you are really testing the Don't Even Worry About It limits.

I am so sorry! I've been really busy today, and I didn't have times to answer them x :Piper

That was a lie. In fact, she'd been ignoring them on purpose, because she hated lying to him, and hearing his voice would make her want to tell him.


"Is it bad? Has Josh said something?"

"No, it's James, and- Why would you assumed Josh would be saying something to me?"

"He said something at lunch, it's not that big of a deal. What's up with James?"

"Did he say he'd tell someone?"

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