Chapter 23

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Ollie's POV

I woke in a panic. I heard Kacey crying out in pain. I didn't know what was wrong clearly she was struggling. When she said she was feeling fire burning pain holding onto her stomach I knew she was in heat. Fuck. We haven't had the time to even think of mating. We had been together for over a week now in each other lives and that's one thing that normally comes after the first week when you find your mate. But we seem to have everything thrown at us right now. Finding the time just for us when nothing else would get in the way was impossible. My mind has been set on this fight. Taking out these rogues, getting our fighters prepared for it. 

I knew my pack take them out alone but something was off with how these rogues were coming. Rogues don't usually group together. When Kacey begged me and Layton to just get this sorted out I knew then we had to work together. I could tell he liked her. If he ever dare cross that line I'd have his balls chopped off. 

Acting quickly. "Dr Gary, Kacey has gone into heat" I yelled through mind link to her.

"Bring her to the infirmary" I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Kacey, I'm going to help you. You need to do as i say ok" She nodded and i know as soon as i lift her the fire feeling may get worse or so i thought. Her breathing even out a little bit but not enough. 

Her parents soon came into the hall after hearing her crying out. "shh" I tried to calm her down but i was no use "She's in heat" I said to her parents. I knew her dad would be pissed with me as by now the mating bond usual is complete. 

"You've not completed the mating progress?" Her dad grounded his teeth at me. But he wasn't my problem right now.

"Dad, not now. It's...It's not his fault" Kacey was coughing in between her words.

I got her to the infirmary ward and place her on the bed. Dr Gary came out of her office and followed me in. "Drink" She commands Kacey. Cool water should help bring her fever down. 

"Kacey I'm going to pop a needle in your arm. It's pain relief to help ease the pain for you" I watch as Dr Gary poked her arm with a needle pushing the liquid into her arm. Soon her breathing evened out.

"You need to complete your mating bond Ollie or next time she will be a lot worse," Dr Gary told me I nodded knowing we'd have to do it soon.

Her parents came in after Dr Gary exited.


"It's not our fault...Kacey was right. We've been too busy to even give ourselves the time alone. You have no idea how much I wanted to complete the bond with her. This should never have happened" I could see her dad was about to say something but her mum beat him to punch.

"You both need to get it done and soon. I can't have her suffering like this again" She pushed me aside to take her daughter's hand. "Shhh, your ok now" 

They were right this is my fault. I could have made time for us. Put everything else aside or could I?. With everything else going on there wasn't time. I should have done it the night was had our date. 

'You should have marked her already' my wolf barked at me. He was pissed at me too. This is my fault. 'Let me mark her now' He was fighting to take over me but I fought just as hard to keep him back. 

"Mum, dad could you give us space" I faintly heard Kac say to her mum and dad.

"Ollie sit" She was trying to get me to listen to her but I couldn't I was fighting with my wolf. He wanted to mark her now. Take the pain away for her but I can't let him not right now. She'd never agree to me doing this, forcing her. "Stop beating yourself up" she looped one of her arms around mine but it was no use. My wolf was coming forward more. Her scent wasn't helping to calm him either.

I noticed her move towards the door as I glanced up my sharp canine was pushing through. My wolf had the upper hand now I couldn't fight him back. Her face changed as she looked back at me. Fear right over her eyes as my wolf jumped off the bed trying to claim her.

"Smack" Something hard hit me so hard that I've just blackout. I can still hear movement and a door locking. Someone has taken her out of the room. I was relieved but I was trying to take control back. Although ashamed of myself for losing control like this. 

After a few minutes, I heard the door unlock.  Austin walked in looking pissed. I blinked a few times finally back in control. I have to find her to apologise. 

"Give her space just now," Austin said giving me a hand up.

"Is she ok?"Hanging my head in shame. I already know she's not. Who would be if you were forced to get marked by your mate? 

"She will be fine. Mum and dad took her up to your room" I sighed feeling completely guilty. 

I take a few more moments to get myself together. Austin left to give me some space. All I wanted to do is find my mate and make everything ok. Once I was fully ready I got up to go find her. Everyone else had gone back to bed as I make my way upstairs. I push open the door quietly and notice she isn't there. 

I wolf starts to wake up again. Where the hell has she gone. Have I scared her away? Where would she go? At the time of night too. 


I grabbed my phone from my trouser pocket looking at the screen. Layton as texted me. I find it a bit odd for this time of night but I open it. Gritting my teeth as I read the message.

"Just thought you should know I found Kacey in the woods heading to her house around 3.30 am. I've taken her home. she's a bit shaken up but otherwise ok. I'll wait for you to arrive before leaving"

I sent him a quick reply letting him know I was on my way. I grabbed the keys headed into the garage and jumped in her car. I prefer her car to mine. There was more space for my legs and it smelt like her too. I hope she doesn't hate me. Gives me a chance to explain, I mean it's my wolf's fault really not mine. Although I should take some blame I should have made more time for us.

It takes me about 15 minutes to get to her parent's house. As I park up Layton is out front waiting for me. Turning off the car and taking the keys out I get out of the car closing the door behind me. 

"Hey" I greet Layton grinding my teeth. I only bother with him due to this fight and Kacey seems to trust him otherwise I wouldn't bother. We weren't enemies, we just never saw eye to eye. Must be an alpha thing. Trying to dominate the school. We clashed a lot due to who we were otherwise we'd avoid one another until now.

"What's up" He greets back. 

"Hows is she?" I nodded my head as I step closer to the door. 

"She's sleeping on the sofa. She was pretty shaken up. Struggled to fall asleep so I stuck a shit movie on and she passed out" He shrugs walking away. 

"Thanks for looking after her," I say as he runs off. Annoyed with myself for letting this happen. I was the one who should be looking after her me. She's MINES.

As I went inside I closed the door quietly then walk over towards the couch. I could see she was curled up on the couch with a blanket up to her chin. I shook my head walking over to pick her up. She instantly turned into my chest as I lifted her up, my body heat bringing colour back to her cheeks.  I tried to stay quiet as I carried her upstairs to her bedroom. I'm sure she'd be more comfortable in her own bed rather than the couch and I can lay with her t. She is less likely to have a sleepless night with me next to her.

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