"Want us to rough him up?" Malia asked jokingly.

"Please, if I wanted to rough him up I would do it myself, but thank you for the offer. Besides, I've got my eyes set on someone else for now," Ryker waved us off before adding, "I think."

"Who?" Aisha asked as she leaned closer, "You didn't tell us anything about liking someone else."

"I'll tell you when I'm sure of it," Ryker rolled his eyes as he avoided eye contact with any of us.

"Well, you'll be telling us a few weeks into summer, I'm sure," Gaia said, smiling teasingly.

"Speaking of summer, the World Cup's this summer and I asked my mother if I could bring you three and she agreed. You lot up for it?" Malia asked as she leaned back on her seat.

"Uhm, hell yeah! Is that even a question?" Gaia answered, excitement filling her up.

A few minutes later, the train came to a stop and the students got off one by one. As Gaia started walking to her parents, a hand on her shoulder stopped her from going any further. She turned around to be met by Fred standing in front of her with a grin.

"Hey," Fred said.

"Hey!" Gaia grinned back as she made a move to wrap her arms around him. He raised up his arms and hugged her back.

"Where's George?" Gaia asked as she stepped back.

"He's, uh - well," Fred stammered before gesturing behind him.

Gaia looked over his shoulder and her eyes widened at the sight of George talking to Malia.

"They're talking?" she asked in shock, "Are they-"

"No, they're not dating if that's what you were about to ask. But I'd say they're definitely over the little rift they had between them," Fred said, glancing at the pair, "I, uh, actually wanted to tell you something-"

Gaia's eyes drifted to a dog sitting at one of the pillars that seemed to meet her eyes. She tilted her head slightly, noticing the dog do the same.

"Gaia?" Fred asked, snapping her out of her little moment with the dog.

"Yeah?" Gaia asked, her eyes not leaving the dog.

"You alright?" Fred asked, looking at her in confusion, before turning around to look for what the girl was looking at.

"Yeah, yeah. Look, I'll talk to you later, alright? I need to go look at something. Sorry," Gaia muttered, glancing at him as she pushed past him.

Gaia weaved through the thick crowd of the platform to reach the black dog sitting obediently near one of the pillars. She crouched down in front of it, petting the dog cautiously. It seemed to melt into her touch before jerking back not even a second later and walking away to a more secluded corner. Her eyebrows furrowed and stood up slowly, following it further.

Looking around at her surroundings, Gaia noticed that walls and pillars were perfectly aligned that a passerby would barely be able to see what was happening in the area she ended up in. She turned back to the dog and blinked when she saw a man standing in front of her instead of the dog. Not just any man: Sirius Black.

Gaia opened my mouth to scream but was cut off by the wizard in front of her putting his hand over her mouth. She attempted to pull out her wand, but his other hand grasped her arm.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that this time around. A Lumos Maxima would grab too much attention, don't you think?" Black mused, though his tone was laced with nervousness as his eyes darted around as if there were people watching them. Gaia jerked her head away from him.

"This time around?"

Gaia's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, forgetting for a moment that a mass murderer was in front of her as a memory flashed through her mind.

"What are- So it actually was you! You're the one who obliviated me that night!"

"Which is why I'm here speaking to you. Has Harry told you?" Black asked.

"Told me what? If you've put an Imperius Curse on him, I might just have to test out if I'm fit for casting a Cruciatus Curse," Gaia glared heatedly, all previous fear leaving her.

"I've done no such thing!" he said, seemingly offended by the mere thought of it.

"Well how would I know!? You've tried to kill him twice now!" Gaia snapped back, this time yanking her arm away but making no move to pull out her wand.

"I'll have you know-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, "Harry warned me you would be temperamental but I didn't think you'd be this difficult to talk to."

"Temperamental!?" Gaia cried. "You would react similarly if you were talking to a mass murderer who tried to kill your cousin too!"

Just like that, Gaia was reminded of the situation she was in. A dark wizard who ratted out her cousin's parents to the Dark Lord and tried to kill him this year was standing in front of her. And here she was, arguing with him as if he were someone she talked to everyday. Realizing this, Gaia quickly pulled out her wand and pointed it at him.

"Just listen for even a minute, please!" Black groaned, sliding a hand down his face, "Must be Lily's genes," he mumbled.

"A minute, that's it. Only because I want to know why you obliviated me that night. After that, I'm screaming and everyone will know you're here," Gaia said, opting to ignore his comment about Lily Potter (or so she assumed it was about Lily Potter).

"That's all I need," he sighed in relief, "I obliviated you because the dementors started sucking out your soul as well. They saw you with me and believed that you had a connection to me. I had to obliviate you to erase any interaction we had."

"And you expect me to believe that?" Gaia asked, an eyebrow raised, "That's ridiculous."

"No, but I expect you to believe Harry. I told him everything, so ask him," he answered.

"Again, you could've imperiused him for all I know," Gaia said.

"Or I could have not." he grinned.

Gaia rolled her eyes before glaring at him.

"I could scream right now," she threatened.

"But you're not screaming. Just ask your cousin and his friends. In fact, ask your teacher as well - Professor Lupin," Black shrugged. "Now, I'll take my leave before you actually do start screaming."

"Hey! Don't think you can leave that easily!" Gaia warned.

"Don't worry, I forgive you for almost blinding me with that charm you used and for believing that I got the Potters killed." he said, playfully winking.

"And what makes you think I'm asking for forgiveness?" Gaia mocked.

"You will be, but I'm telling you now that you won't need to. Goodbye, Gaia" he answered.

Before Gaia could say anything else, he shifted back into a dog and ran out of the little corner they were at.

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