One- Oldschool

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Nate cursed himself for being oldschool. While everyone else kept their work on their tablets and the Grid, he chose to use his grandfather’s leather rucksack, to bring his workbooks instead. Not that it had been his choice, his grandfather had insisted that the family abstain from all technology possible. Except for their kits, of course.

Banging his books on the crisp white desk he shared with Pat, he stared at the girl standing at hers diagonally to the right in front of him. School uniform had the nasty habit of hiding every fantasy inducing attribute a girl might have, but Mara sure as hell pulled it off. Her hair came down in glossy brown curls, contrasting with the collared blue of her shirt, and Nate appreciatively stared its way down her back to-

´´Regarding its prey with hungry eyes, the Hyeana nathaniensii licks its lips in eager anticipation of a hunt he’ll never accomplish.''

Pat held his tablet out next to him, the camera pointed at his  deskmate.

´´It is furthermore important to note that this animal should be apprached with the utmost caution, to ensure that the hunger emanating from its horns may not be transmitted. The effects are deadly-''

´´Shut up, Pat''

´´-it is like a form of vampirisim , you are infected by a thirst for women, but a fear of them too. Upon approach, it might react aggressively, such as threatening to pound you with his rather large and untechnological boo- OW stop that, - and actually carrying out the dee- ow alright, alright I give up!''

Pat put down his APad and held his hands up in surrender. Nate had read in some old books in the library still from the time the world had different nations that a country called France was famous for surrendering all the time or something. Apparently, as part of their military training, the soldiers learned how to say ''I give up'' in 13 different languages. Nate couldn’t think of anything more ridiculous, besides the fact that people actually used to kill each other for dumb reasons.

´´Tune in next time for more of the Hyaena in its natural habitat. ''

Nate gave Patrick de Gardeaux a sidelong glance. Maybe wars were invented because of idiots like him, to keep the genepool clean.

He turned back to look at Mara again. Or maybe, he thought to himself, they went to war for THAT.

She turned around to look at him, and he only noticed that after her butt had swivelled out of his line of sight. He felt the blood rush to his head, and was greatful for the teacher’s entrance in that moment.

´´Good morning, class!'' Mrs Gandini was an okay teacher. Somewhat over-enthusiastic, but she was far better than her male colleague, Mr Carter. He was a pompous-

´´I’d like to have your essays, please, just feed them into the Grid, thank you, yes, Nate?''

Nate plunged his hand and glowing head into his rucksack. He pulled out his typed essay ´´I don’t have it digital, Mrs Gandini.''

´´Oh, right, yes. Well, give it here then.''

He stood up from his desk, stumbled a bit over a classmate’s outstretched leg, and handed it over to Mrs Gandini. She beamed at him as she took it, and switched on the holovision connected to her kit.

´´Alright, Class Tens, we’ll move on with the next chapter: Sir Isaac Newton. Please open up the modules on your APads…''

Pat leaned over to Nate as he sat down. ´´Why don’t you just get an APad? You know the bots won’t take your work next year if its not digital'' he whispered.

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