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I love you. Remember that.

He heard it again.

"Hanguang-jun, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, it's just my head start to hurts again."

"Are you sure you still want to go to your meet-up?" Wen ning asked his boss who was having a sudden headache.

"It's for the Lan company" wen ning only looked down, looking at his own shoes.

"Let's go."

"Reservation under the name Lan wangji" wen ning Asked the receptionist.

"This way, sir," then a girl approached them, leading the way to the VIP room until they reached the elegant wooden door.

Wen ning knocked on the door after the girl left, opening the door revealing a man with a red necktie and a wine glass on his hands, patiently waiting for them.

"Mr. Wei..." Wen ning greeted.

He smiled, looking at Lan wangji. When their eyes met, they suddenly felt a familiar feeling that they couldn't explain.

Brushing off that feeling, lan wangji spoke.

"Sorry we're late."

"It's okay. By the way, I'm wei wuxian. Your soon-to-be business partner" he giggled, extended his arms out to lan wangji, and the other one accepted it, shaking their hands together.

"Lan wangji" he was surprised when wei wuxian suddenly giggled but he kept his face expressionless. Did I hear it somewhere? Why is it so familiar?

They start talking about their business, while Wen ning is taking notes about the plans they've discussed.

"Wen ning, can you leave us for a while?" Lan wangji said to his secretary after discussing their plans to their own company.

Wen ning nodded before existing to the room, leaving the bosses alone.

An awkward silence ate them.

"Mr. Wei, did we meet before?" Lan wangji spoke, breaking the silence between them.

But wei wuxian only moved his head sideways, avoiding lan wangji's familiar gaze.

"You seem familiar." lan wangji can't help but let out those words out from his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lan, but I can't really remember you." You too, Mr. Lan. Wei wuxian answered, pouting his lips more. He looked around the room, trying not to make a eye contact with a handsome guys with a resting bitch face who was calmly sitting opposite on him.

"Hmm.. nevermind" lan wangji said. I also can't remember where I met you. Lan wangji thought.

Did I really not met him before? They both thought.

They met again, but in another life.

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