I'm sorry j.r

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I'm Sorry
Josh Richards

Request by @YannisHerrea


I was on my way to Josh's house to come to surprise him.I went to his door and unlocked it

It was quiet so I had to check if Josh was sleeping or not.While I was going up the stairs I heard moaning. Was he really doing this to me?

I opened his door and saw him and Nessa "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ?" I yelled

"y/n it's not what it looks like" Josh was trying to put his pants on "so you were not just fucking nessa right now ?" I scoffed and he looked down

"Goodbye Josh. We're over don't ever contact me again and here's your key you might need it" I threw it at him

I went back to my car and drove back home.I started crying,I was gonna tell him that I was moving... I called my agent "hey do you think I could move in a week" they said yes and I started packing the rest of my things.

- In a week -

I said bye to the sway boys besides Josh and the hype house.I was gonna miss them

I moved to Georgia where one of my best friends lived

they picked me up from the airport "hi y/f/n" I hugged them "hi y/n good to see you" they smiled

"let's go !" he laughed

- Skip 5 years later -

After 5 years of living in Georgia I met someone and we got married.

He wanted to move to California and I agreed thinking Josh wasn't their anymore since I didn't really see him on the boys story that much.

- At california -

We got to our new home and it was lovely ! "Ian i'm gonna go get coffee you want anything" I heard a no and drove to the coffee shop.

"Hi can I get a iced coffee" I asked the barista .She nodded and I payed for it.

I sat down to write some things down on my laptop.

"Hey" I heard someone say and I looked up "omg Hi Anthony !" I hugged him "Josh wants to talk to you.." he said softly

"no" I looked at him "he asked me and It's good seeing you but please ? He asked

"Anthony it's good seeing you too but I won't remember what I told you about what I said to him when I left?"

"yes and I know but please just 5 minutes also congrats on your wedding now that I saw you in person and josh doesn't even know about you and Ian" he looked at me in the eyes

"fine only 5 minutes"I closed my laptop and put it in my bag and walked outside "it's was good seeing you Ant but i'll just talk to him alone" I hugged him "it was nice seeing you too y/n"

"You have 5 minutes Josh" I walked up to him.

"I'm sorry y/n I really am. After you left I was so hurt and I was so stupid I was 18 I learned from my past and mistakes and I love you y/n I always loved you I was so dumb y/n for sleeping with her and I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he admitted and he had tears

"I forgive you josh but i'm married now.. I have a new life but it's not with you" I looked down

"what's his name ?" Josh asked


"does he make you happy?"

"yeah he does" I gave him a soft smile

"than that's all I want for you. I just want you to be happy" he had some more tears in his eyes

I gave him a hug since I felt bad for him,"bye Josh maybe i'll see you around"

"bye y/n"


currently 6am and I still haven't gone to sleep that's great.

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