“As if--” Stormy started, but got cut off by Valiana, who created a portal, and it sucked the Trix in, while she just flipped her hair and jumped in too.


The Trix were holding their heads, feeling sick because of the journey in the portal that Darcy even fell on her knees. After them, Valiana finally came out from the portal and made it disappear. They were located in a place not too big, yet, not too small. It was all dark, even the furniture was all dark colours.

“Where are we?” Icy asked directly to Valiana, while she put her hand on her hip. The mysterious woman, rolled her eyes as she walked off, signalling the Trix to follow her. The trio looked at each other before following Valiana.

They ended up in a room where there was a table, with four chairs and a purple crystal ball placed on the centre.

“Make yourselves comfortable, we've got a lot to talk about,” Valiana smirked, as she first sat on the table, followed by Stormy, then Darcy, who was tired anyway. Icy hesitated but didn't want to be the only one standing so she took a chair too and sat. “Good grief, what's with all the moody faces? I thought by breaking y'all free, you'll be finally happy and have your freedom back.”

“Listen here, kid.” Icy slammed her hand on the table, but only made Darcy and Stormy jump, while Valiana didn't flinch, she just instead, put her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hands, ready to listen to Icy. “I don't know who do you think you are to think that we'll be working for your stupid self! We don't do that stuff, we're the Trix! We play solo.”

“Oh really? Yet, your solo game got you spending five depressing years in that cell, because of the Winx.” The Trix gasped, as they hated hearing someone else, talking about their downfall against those fairies, the first thing out of the cell. “And do not call me kid. I'm way older than you. If I were you, I'll listen to what I say.”

“Can you tell us what you want to say?! I'm getting tired and uncomfortable of being here.” Stormy retorted, crossing her arms. Valiana shifted her eyes from Icy to Stormy, who she didn't hear much, considering she previously attacked her and she smirked.

Don't you want to get revenge?” The moment Valiana released those words from her mouth, the Trix instantly glared at her, giving her full attention.

“Go on.”

“Hmm, now you're interested in what I'm saying, uh?” Valiana teased the three witches, but kept getting glares from them she got tired to play nice and rolled her eyes. “Anyway, since I got you out, you guys owe me a big one. Also, your powers must be weakened, from these last couple of years of your continuous attempts on breaking the wall, which you completely failed, but I have a remedy.”

Valiana made appear a hologram map, showing the Omega Dimension. The Trix shivered up for a second, remembering the last time they were there. For Darcy and Stormy, that place was very cold, but for Icy it was nothing.

Icy was about to say something before Valiana's eyes glowed and suddenly Icy couldn't talk anymore.

“Please don't interrupt. Questions are for later, Icy.” Icy sent a death glare at Valiana, but she didn't mind it as she kept going on. “Okay so, you already know about this place. The Omega Dimension. Here is where you could get your power rehabilitated. How? I'll answer right now. There are these couple of prisoners there, who have similar power to each of you, but they're way more powerful than you. So, I have an idea!” Valiana explained, waiting for some reactions from the Trix, but didn't get any. “If you help me find a way to break in. I have the ability to steal their powers and I can gift them for you. What you say?”

Icy, Darcy and Stormy all exchange looks, questioning themselves if they should just help her along, or why are they even wasting time there and should just take the woman down and run away.

“Okay.” Darcy and Stormy accepted the offer. Icy couldn't talk because Valiana still was exploiting her powers to manipulate Icy to not let her be able to speak, as she was exhausted from hearing the same story about the Trix not working for her and all.

“What about you, Icy?” Yet, Valiana teased again the ice witch. “Nice to know you accept the offer! We'll go in three days, I have to train you first and I have other things to... take care of. Now, go!” She used her powers to make the Trix disappear into another room, as it was protected with her magic so they wouldn't escape and she remained by herself, thinking.

A smirk did not hesitate to come to view.

“Winx, uh? I'll love to meet them one day. To eliminate them.” Valiana commenced laughing loudly with herself. “If everything will go by plan, I will win and everyone else will go down.”



Sorry for the late update! Online school is killing me!

Reminder, this takes place three days before chapter four! Remember what happens at the end of that chapter? ;)

Do you like where the story is going? Who really is this Valiana and what plan she's talking about? I would be curious.

Please, to support the author, VOTE and COMMENT. It'll make me very happy :))

Until then, see you next time fairies.

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