Fury turned behind him to the girl and motioned with his head for her to move forwards. The girl stepped into the light which highlighted the purple bruising around her right eye and a small cut on her lip. She just looked at Fury anxiously before moving her gaze to the Avengers and then back to him.

"Look, Uncle Nick, I really don't see why I'm here, I mean-"

"No, Harley, we are not having this conversation again-"

"But it's not worth it-"

"This is the only place I know you'll be safe-"

"Just put me back in the system and I promise I won't screw it up this time-"

Obviously surprised, Tony watched the two as question after question formed in his head. Who was this kid? And why was she calling Fury "Uncle Nick"? A simple glance around the room told him that the others felt the same way.

"Harley, listen to me. I promised your mother that I would protect you by any means necessary until the day I die, and right now there are a lot of things going on for me, and so I need to know that you're safe before I can even start to think about them. I am asking that you stay here, just for a short while, so that I can do what needs to be done. Okay?"

The girl sighed. "Okay."

Fury brought the girl into a caring hug. After pulling away he scanned the room and stopped when his eyes landed on Wanda.

"Miss Maximoff, would you please show Harley to one of the guest bedrooms."

Wanda looked at Steve questioningly but rose to her feet when he nodded his head slightly.

"Follow me." She said to Harley with a polite smile.

Silence filled the room as the two girls exited down a hallway.


"Okay, I'm sorry, but "Uncle Nick"?" Tony exclaimed suddenly, voicing what all the Avengers were thinking. Fury remained quiet for a few moments as though attempting to organise his thoughts before he spoke.

"Fifteen years ago, back when I was only the Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D, I worked with Harley's mother." He clicked a button on his phone and an image of stern-faced woman appeared infront of them.

"Sophia Daphne Laurens was one of the greatest field agents S.H.I.E.L.D had ever seen, and I admit I had a bit of a soft spot for her.

She came to me in a panic after she had returned from a five week back long mission in Poland, saying that I was the only person at the agency she felt she could trust. Sophia had always been willing to do anything to complete her missions, which was what made her such a good agent, however this time things didn't go as planned and she ended up being captured by the people she was investigating.

As I'm sure you can imagine I was both shocked and disgusted when she informed me that she had been... involuntarily impregnated by one of those people.

Sophia understood that in a business of spies and assassins having a child could be concidered a weakness and didn't know what to do. I told her that I would help her as much as possible. I'm honestly still surprised that I got away with it, but I lied to the Director and told him that I had sent her away on a year long undercover mission in Iran, and that she was not to be contacted whatsoever as it could blow her cover.

I also sent my sister, Dawn, who was a nurse to look after her at her home so that she didn't have to risk going to a hospital. Everything was going fine. Dawn helped Sophia safely give birth to Harley and nobody suspected a thing. Or, at least, that was what we thought...

About two weeks after Harley was born I stopped by Sophia's house to check on them and my sister. When I arrived the windows were smashed and the walls were full of bullet holes... Dawn was dead when I found her. Sophia was barely holding on, but I got to her just before she slipped away. She made me promise that I would protect Harley with my life, and of course I did. I watched as the light faded from her eyes before I took Harley and ran.

I couldn't risk Harley being connected to me, and so I put her into the foster system. I still visited when I thought it was safe enough, still sent the occasional letter and cards on Christmas and birthdays. I never let her know my real job. Not even my last name.

Once again, everything was fine. That was, until her foster families kept complaining about strange things happening around her. Objects floating when she grew angry, her talking to herself as though somebody else was there. At first I just thought they were trying to get rid of her for who knows what reason.

That was until last night, when an explosion happened in the apartment building that Harley and her foster family were living in. The source of the explosion came from the exact apartment that they were living in, and killed every member of the family except her.

When I asked her what she remembers, she told me she was arguing with the father of the family and then she blacked out with no clue what happened.

That's why I came to you. I can't risk her losing control of whatever this is again and accidently hurting more people. I also can't have her knowing she caused this to happen, at least not until we find a way to control it. I know Harley and I know that she'd freak out over something like this if she knew, and I dread to think what could happen in that situation with the power she has.

Right now the Avengers are the only people who have experience with enhanced individuals that are not likely to experiment on them. Which is why I am trusting you to keep this girl safe no matter what."

Fury looked around at the heroes in the room with an intense stare. Nobody quite knew how to respond.

"Look, cyclops, I don't know if you've heard but things are a little tense between us right now and as much as I would love to help you out, this is not a good environment for a kid to be in" It was no surprise to the others that Tony spoke up first.

"Then make it a good environment, Stark. I don't know if you noticed but I'm not asking for your permission." Replied Fury with a bored expression.

"Fury, don't listen to Tony. We're the Avengers. If we can take down aliens and robots then we can sure as heck take care of a child." Said Steve as he rose from his position on the couch.

"And who decided you're in charge here, captain?"

"Nobody is in charge here, Tony. We're a team, a team who is more than capable of looking after a kid-"

"Yeah, if we don't end up killing a bunch of innocent people in the process-"


This time it was Natasha who spoke. "Fury, don't worry. We'll take good care of the kid. We're already looking after two others, what's one more?" She said, her glare fixed on Tony and Steve.

"Thank you, Romanoff." Fury said before turning around to leave. "I trust that you won't let me down."

AHHHHH THE FIRST CHAPTER IS FINALLY FINISHED!!! I'm sorry that the Fury bit where her explains Harley's back story is hella long but I didn't know how else to do it.

Please feel free comment any suggestions on how to improve my writing so I can make these chapters better for you guys.

I hope you enjoyed reading!

-Cat :)))

The Voices Of The Devil ~ Avengers **DISCONTINUED**Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt