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forty-eight, REAL LIFE

      "What am I doing? Eden, what am I doing?"  Salem asked her best friend, who sighed dragging her suitcase along

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"What am I doing? Eden, what am I doing?" Salem asked her best friend, who sighed dragging her suitcase along. The airport was crowded with staff and people frantically trying to get to and from wherever they're meant to be at. Crowded places always have Salem the most anxiety, but this time it was even worse.

"You're going to see the love of your life, Sal. Chill out."

"I can't chill out," Salem mocked. "Chilling out is not something I can do."

"Well, try," Eden told her.

"She hates me."

"She doesn't hate you," Eden reassured her. "She's just hurt, so are you. She's just confused, so are you. You know, you two have a lot more in common than just having feelings for each other."

"Who said Charli has feelings for me?" Salem questioned, accidentally bumping into a woman, she apologized and continued walking.

"Salem I'm sorry but if after everything y'all have been through, it's fairly obvious," Eden answered. "Operation Sharli is NOT failing. Me and Avani refuse to let it happen."

"If anyone's going to screw something up, it's me. Again," Salem muttered.

"The Lilith situation wasn't your fault, how many times do I have to tell you that? Lilith knew exactly what she was doing."

"Yeah, but I let her do it," Salem countered. "I let her manipulate me, and distance me and Charli, it is my fault. I'm such an idiot."

"Salem, that's exactly what manipulators do. They make you feel like what they did is your fault, it's not. Lilith took advantage of your kindness and your heart like the bitch she is," Eden stated, ignorant to the looks she was getting from people passing them by.

"So, forget Lilith. Screw her. Screw your relationship with her, leave it in the past. This is the present, and your future with Charli starts now, and it depends on whether you have the guts to get on the plane, fly to Connecticut, knock on the D'amelio's door, confess your love to Charli, and hopefully we all live happily ever after and no longer have to worry about people getting in the way of Sharli."

Salem's eyes watered slightly at Eden's little speech, Eden would never know just how much she meant to Salem.

"You got me crying like a bitch, E," Salem pulled her best friend in her arms, hugging her tightly. "I love you, E."

Eden laughed, tears slipping down her eyes as well. "I love you too, S. Charli's your epic love, go and get your girl. And don't come back to me until you do."

Salem laughed, wiping her tears. "Bet."

The girls hugged one last time, exchanging see you later's, not really ready for Salem to go. Eden didn't want Salem to be on her own, but she understood this was something that Salem had to do by herself, for herself. Eden had hope, and that hope gave Salem hope.


authors note, i'm soft ugh

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authors note,
i'm soft ugh. i want
a friend like eden to give
me pep talks. salem and eden
are best friend goals, i love them.
UGH I CRY, vote and comment, i love
you guys <3
starstruck, JADEN HOSSLER
better off, DIXIE D'AMELIO
first love, ADDISON RAE
all i want, AVANI GREGG

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