01 Tsubasa

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"Why are you here?" An unknown voice suddenly screamed, shocking Hikari, and making her miss the toss from her boyfriend.

"Eh?!" She squeaked, landing shakily before turning her head to where the sound came from.

It was an orange haired boy who looked to be about a few inches shorter than her. He was wearing the same maroon Karasuno gym clothes as the couple who were in the gym before him. The ginger was pointing at Kageyama, with a look of mixed disbelief and disgust on his face.

Hikari turned to Kageyama with a confused look.

"You know this guy, Tob—?" She asked, but was cut off by her own squeak as the ball she missed earlier landed square on the crown of her head with a soft thump.

The two boys who were staring at each other turned their heads to the white haired girl.

"Ouch, that hurt!" She pouted, rubbing the spot where the ball had hit her.

The short boy's eyes widened and started walking towards her with a worried expression on his face, but was stopped by Kageyama.

"You're the one from last year's..." He thought aloud with calculating eyes, as he ignored his distressed girlfriend, who had stopped rubbing her head, and was now staring at the two males in front of her. She was curious about how they knew each other.

"What's your name?" Kageyama asked the shorter boy with a flat tone.

He doesn't remember my name, he thought, sweatdropping. "I-I'm Shoyo Hinata!" He screamed out, the annoyance leaking from his voice a little. "I bet you forgo—"

"I couldn't forget you." Kageyama cut him off once again.

"Huh?" Hinata and Hikari said at the same time, but Kageyama looked lost in thought as he openly stared at Hinata.

Kageyama knew he couldn't ever forget about the boy in front of him. He has a spring to his step, was quick, and he had great reflexes. It was a shame he was pretty useless besides that.

"You're useless." Kageyama said with a stoic expression Hikari was all too familiar with.

'Typical Tobio', she thought to herself as she mentally chuckled.

"W-what?" Hinata shook in his boots, surprised to hear something so straightfoward.

The cogs in Hikari's head suddenly started working, when something clicked in her brain.

"Ahh!" The boys' heads turned in her direction as she walked towards them, her volleyball shoes squeaking against the hardwood floors of the gym.

"So you're the troublesome shorty Tobio met at that match back in middle school!" She wondered aloud as she stood beside the taller male. She leaned forward a bit, narrowing her eyes as she studied the shorter male.

"H-huh?" Hinata was taken off guard, "w-who are you?" He asked as he took a step back.

The girl straightened up before flashing him a dazzling smile and holding out her hand.

"I'm Hikari Tsubasa. It's nice to meet you, Hinata."

Hinata simply stared with wide eyes at the girl in front of him. She had gorgeous white hair, which was tied up, ending just past her shoulders. Her light blue eyes sparkling with an innocence that was refreshing to Hinata after the interaction he just had with the cold, steely eyed Kageyama. His eyes unconsciously raked down the figure of the girl in front of him. She was also wearing the same gym clothes, but he knew she was curvy underneath all that. To say he was captivated by the beauty of the girl in front of him would be an understatement.

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