The arrival

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A man named Oliver decides to go on a business trip with his father on a boat because he came from a family with a lot of money who owned a company that had many establishments in other countries and now had to do business in China.

Oliver was someone who got involved, did not study and all because he thought that he already had his life bought he also had a girlfriend named Kate she did not go with Oliver on the boat because Oliver convinced her not to go because it was just a business trip but I invite Kate's sister named Sara he slept with.

While on the yacht Oliver's father told him that what he was doing was not right and Oliver replied that he did not worry that Kate would not find out after Oliver entered the room and he and Kate began to hear thunder closer and closer from his position until supposedly a thunder that fell on the yacht and destroyed it causing everyone inside the yacht to die and only Oliver survived his father and the pilot were found and got on an inflatable raft that had but could not find Sara believed her dead

After several days Oliver and his father, along with the pilot, gradually ran out of food until his father confessed to his son that he had failed him and his city, the city called Central Park, after which the father asked Oliver correct his mistakes and redeem him and after that he told him to survive and he commits suicide so that Oliver could survive

Oliver arrives on an island called Lyan Yu which means purgatory in Mandarin once on the island when he arrived in Olivier he is shot with an arrow by a man named Tommy and shortly afterwards Oliver wakes up in the cave lying down and injured and asked the man why he had done that and told him that it was not safe to be outside the cave and that he had to survive Oliver was still hurt and hungry and the man who shot him returns to the cave and brought him a live dodo and told him that to eat he would have to kill the dodo and eat it then Oliver decides to do it to eat and asks the name of the one who helped him and he was called Tommy

After feeding on the dodo, some time passes and Oliver heals his wounds and escapes from the cave, but at the moment escaping he finds a trap and after being in the trap for a while, Tommy releases him and tells him that the island is not safe and which must remain hidden for a while after soldiers arrive and tommy assassinates them.

The two of them were getting food when the soldiers attacked them so Tommy helps Oliver escape but they capture Tommy. After that Oliver waits a few days to go looking for Tommy again but they capture him because Tommy did not want to be released because they had kidnapped his daughter.

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