Chapter 33 - New Friend

Start from the beginning

It was Bakugou.

And they didn't even put his good picture.

So many emotions ran through your head, from confusion, to shock, to sadness and dread, to frustration, then finally - furiousness.

Your blank face was replaced with one of pure anger and you grabbed your phone instantly, tapping on it like it was your greatest enemy.

"(Y/n) isn't that your Katsuki?" Nana asked while she stared at the tv with sad expression.

You nodded your head bitterly as you waited for the call to connect.

"I thought you might call me."

Of course he did. He always knows everything.

"Tell me everything you know, now."

"What? I don't even get a greeting? Rude~"

You were practically going out of your mind and his excessive fake cheeriness was the last thing you needed right now.


Your grandma gasped and you silently apologized to her for swearing.

"Fine, fine. Geez Owlet, relax. They're making a rescue mission for him, so don't worry. They're going tomorrow. All Might, Endeavor and Best Jeanist will be after the villains, as well as some other heroes like Mt Lady, Kamui Woods-"

Tomorrow? Do they not now how much can happen in one day? Twenty four hours? Are they insane??

You sighed. It was your soulmate, your unbeatable soulmate. He could definitely survive for one day. But yet again, you wanted to find him, you needed to know if you're capable of finding people. For both Bakugou's and your parents sake.

"I'm gonna go after him." You said with determination and prepared to hang up.

"Owlet!! You absolutely will not go there, ya hear me?! Don't you know why they kiddnaped him? Because they want to recruit him, which means they have no intention of killing him! He's safe! And you know who they don't want to recruit? Your bird ass! So if you fly there like a little savior you'll just end up in a place where birds don't fly."

You were struck, yet again, at how much your uncle knew but decided against telling you.

You were still left with the lingering question if he really knew about the villain attack or not.

And then you realized it as the heavy wait appeared in your chest- You are unable to do anything yet again. First it was your parents and now, you are also prohibited to help Bakugou.

You bit your lip harshly as tears dropped down your face.

Why am I useless once again? I just let my parents be taken away from me and now my soulmate..

Why is everyone I love being taken away from me??

"I can't, Uncle.. I can't not do anything again. Please let me do something, I need to do something."

You could hear him sigh from the other side of the line.

"If you want to do something, I guess I won't stop you."

Your eyes widened "Really-"

"- But you'll need to find his location somehow by yourself. Good luck with that."

"Aaaaaaaaand of course there's a catch. What have I expected?" You shook your head as you imagined his aloof expression. 

He was the best shot you had at finding where Bakugou is because he can get the details from the heroes. But that doesn't mean you don't have a few tricks up your sleeve.

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