The real one's better

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13th of April, 11:45 AM, Saturday Morning at Phoenix's apartment

Phoenix wakes up and stretches his arms, he had just woken up after a good solid 8 hours of sleep. He was proud of himself as he wasn't used to getting a full 8 hours of sleep, he was used to going to sleep at times like 3 AM, 4 AM earliest was 2 AM. 

He looks to his right towards his alarm clock and sees the time as a wave of panic washes over him. there were about 15 minutes left before his 'meetup(more like date) with Edgeworth, he had a bet with Edgeworth that he will be the first to show up but Edgeworth didn't believe him and just laughed it off. Phoenix was determined to prove Edgeworth wrong. He jumped out of bed and ran to his washroom at top speed, almost tripping on the way.

Fitness certainly wasn't his passion,  he was just wanting to prove his point that he can be earlier than the king of being early though now it might be impossible, Phoenix has always been known to turn bad situations around with a single objection.

Let's see if it's possible outside of the courtroom setting.

Phoenix frantically brushes his teeth in a minute and washes his face with a single splash of water which led to water up his nose and another minute to get the water out.

"Damn those facewash commercial ladies who wash their faces like this, I almost died," He thought while getting the water out.

He then dashed back to his room and frantically searched for some decent clothes to put on, he found a shirt, put it on, fixed his hair, and ran out with a feeling he forgot something.

After stepping out of his door, he ran back in for pants.

"Pants, I forgot pants, pants are important", he muttered to himself.

After putting on a pair of black jeans he ran out his front door almost forgetting to lock his door but manages to do it in a hurry. Such simple tasks always get harder the more of a hurry your in.

Phoenix runs to his bike and unlocks it in a hurry and rides it outside his apartment complex, pedaling at inhumane speeds towards the coffee shop 8 blocks away.

10 minutes left

On the way there, Phoenix's tire gets punctured by a weirdly shaped sharp rock(coincidence, I think not!) and he was forced to get his bike to the bicycle shop to get the tire changed. 

After about 2 minutes, The bike fixer told him that the weirdly shaped rock had done some damage to the bike's tire and it would take some time to fix it. Phoenix couldn't wait any longer so he paid the bike fixer his required amount, told him that he would be back soon, and ran outside to find a free cab that wasn't available for him due to an unannounced strike.

This day certainly wasn't going well.

6 minutes left

Phoenix wasn't going to give up, no he had to think of something. Let's look at his options:


a) Hitch a ride from a stranger                       

chance of death: 50%

b) Book it to the coffee shop till you feel like throwing up all your internal body organs.                                       

chance of death: 90%

(Phoenix wasn't used to running much)

c)  Go to the bus stop and waste more than 30 minutes getting there and contemplate why you even decided to bet.      

NaruMitsu/MitsuNaru one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now