twenty three- bedlam

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The tour had been postponed, and wouldn’t happen for at least another month or so. Psychologically, Liam wasn’t ready to face the world yet, and everybody knew it, including Liam himself. The boys didn’t mind too much, only wanting Liam to get better first.

Zayn sighed, not wanting to have a meeting with management. He knew that it had to do with Liam, otherwise they would’ve had him come along. The secretiveness was a little worrying, and he had a gnawing feeling in his stomach that the meeting would end with raised voices and red faces.

“So I was thinking that maybe we could take Liam out for dinner, just us boys.” Louis said, causing Zayn to jump a little and turn back to him.

“That’s a good idea, Lou.” Harry said and Zayn nodded in agreement.

“Just have to think of a place where we won’t get mobbed.” Zayn sighed, running a hand through his messy hair.

“I’ll think of something, don’t worry.” Harry said, giving him that lopsided smile that Zayn hadn’t seen in a while and made a tired smile appear on his own face, despite the weird mix of feelings that he was experiencing.

“Can we just ditch this meeting?” Louis moaned as they slowed to stop in the traffic, making Louis curse at those in front of him.

“That would be nice.” Harry said. “But we’d get into so much shit if we did.”

Zayn laughed as he imagined a pissed off management team, and thought that it would be the perfect revenge for all that they had done, and how little they cared for what had happened to Liam. They were no longer human beings in the world’s eyes, either supreme godly beings or just a means to make money.

“Well we’re already on our way, might as well go see what they have to say.” Louis grumbled, looking visibly annoyed by the build up of traffic. “But bloody hell, don’t people know how to drive?”

Harry settled back into his seat, pulling out his phone. “Might be here for a while.”

“I hope not, it really looks like Louis is going to turn into the Hulk any second now.” Zayn said, noting how tightly Louis was gripping the steering wheel. His face was oddly strained, and Zayn realised that it wasn’t the traffic that was bothering him.

“Lou?” Zayn said softly. “You sure you’re alright?”

Louis glanced at Zayn before looking back at the road, his stained facial expression turning into one of exhaustion. “I’m done with all of this.” He said quietly. “I’m done with the shit way that we’re treated, and how greatly our lives are affected, I just-”

Louis paused and sighed, and Zayn placed a hand on his shoulder. “Yeah, it is shit. But we’re in this together, right?”

“Right.” Harry murmured from the back seat.

in the hills • zayn malikUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum