Noen (cute)

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Y/n ( pov)
Me and noen have been going out for around 2-3 years now it's like about to turn 3 years tomorrow but sadly noen won't be here cause he had to go to New York to see his sister cause she was pregnant and it was a last minute thing but I didn't mind to much I mean there's always next year so it was ok plus family is more important than anything
                       The next day
I woke up to someone in the bed with me and I panicked cause noen wasn't here so I didn't know who it was and then I silently picked up my phone and just as I was unlocking it the person turned around and then i realised it was noen! He laughed at me and gave me a big hug and we said how much we missed eachother ! I asked how his sister was and she was great better than ever actually :) noen then told me he was taking me to the carnival 🎡 I was so excited until we got a phone call from noen's friend who was also going to the carnival he said it got cancelled because there was a storm due but me and noen just laughed and we decided to bake something today instead and have a fun day at home and he would take me to the beach tomorrow because we couldn't go today!

A/n~ this was slightly different form my others but it's a bit short but that's ok 

A/n~ this was slightly different form my others but it's a bit short but that's ok 

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