Chapter 32

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Meg's P.O.V
I look all around the mall for Winter, who I know is there.
Finally I catch her in Bath & BodyWorks, smelling lotions.
"Winter!" I shout across the shoppers, running up to her.
"Hi." She doesn't even look at me.
"Listen, I broke up with Nic," I explain. "I poured my frappucino over his head and kicked him."
Winter turns to me, a glare still on her face.
"Do I care? I don't like Nic. Do what you want to him, both of you are out of my life," she spats.
"I was hoping you could forgive me, please?" I feel like I an begging for her forgiveness. Mainly because I am.
Winters P.O.V
I feel the need to forgive Meg, I just don't want her to win. But I finally give in.
"I forgive you Meg!" I say and she engulfs me into a hug. "Now get off me!" I wheeze, gasping for air.
"Sorry Winter! I am just so happy!" Meg squeals.

"I have to go," I tell her. Meg waves to me and runs off. I hope that I made the right desicion to trust her. I walk off and decide to go home. I need a little break after today. 

When I walk through my door, Bethany is sitting on the couch. Crying. She tells me to leave her alone, but of course I do not listen to her.

"What happened Beth?" I ask. I feel like nothing could be worse than what happened with me and Nic. But thats solved now so its fine. "What happened!" I say less softly. 

"Its just that, well," She spaces off. I tell her to go on. "Well, Aeropostale wants me to move back to California. For good." I can see tears filling her eyes again.

"Oh thats bad. At least I am coming back from Florida in a week," I say. But I whisper the end part to myself. "But you know what?" I ask her. Beth looks up at me. "Its your job, and mom and dad will understand!" Bethany just runs out the door. I think she should go, and I have a gut feeling that I should go back to London too.

Winter(a Bethany Mota fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now