
Sam had been looking forward toward the sweet sleep he was going to get after a long days work, but that went away the moment he woke up and saw the situation he was in.

"BABY!" Zane yelled excitedly as he hugged him tightly. Looking around, Sam found himself laying on David's couch, with David not too far away with his camera, recording him. He saw many faces he recognized too, Zane being one of them. He saw Natalie, Corinna, Erin, Carly, Mariah, Jeff, Matt, and a few other faces. There were a lot of people he didn't recognize too, after all, he hasn't seen them for a while.

"I should have fucking known! You tell David one thing, and he does the damn opposite." Sam sighed as he rubbed his eyes in frustration. Everyone laughed seeing his reaction. "David, I have to work tomorrow. I told you how fucking important it is for me, you said you respected it. So tell me, why the hell did you kidnap me while I was asleep in my own home?"

"Sam, we planned this shit out from the start! If you had rejected coming to see us, we were going to kidnap you. I was honestly hoping you were going to say no so we could kidnap you, it would have been boring otherwise." David laughed as he filmed.

Sam sighed again, which he noticed he's been doing a lot of recently. He should have seen this coming. He's known David for almost 7 years, he should have known. Well, there was no helping it now. He was here, he had to work in 6 hours; but it was fine. He'll just pull through, he's done it before.

"Come on Sam, you ditched us on Coachella, and you don't party with us anymore. You owe us this one!" David said.

"David, I've done so much partying with you guys, I'm all partied out." Sam laughed, remembering all the good times they had.

"There's no such thing baby." Zane, who was sitting on my lap, said. Zane was clearly drunk already, meaning that Sam was on babysitting mode, trying to keep the man from doing anything that will get him hurt.

Sam smiled and patted Zane's head, which he seemed to enjoy.

"Alright, seeing as I'm already here, I'll stay." Sam announced.

Once they heard this, everyone cheered and the party roared on once more. David went around with his camera partying with everyone and filming shots for the party compilation. Sam chuckled as he walked to a more spacious part of the house. It was starting to get really stuffy, and the music was sort of giving him a migrane along with his lack of sleep.

Sam went to the kitchen and made himself a drink, God knows he needed one. It reminded him of his past as a bartender, back when the vlog was still a baby. He had to keep it on the down low though, since the school wouldn't have allowed it, but due to the vlogs everyone knew.

"Mind making me one?" Sam turned around to the unknown voice, and saw a really cute brunette staring at him. She was wearing an oversized hoddie which looked adorable on her, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun, but like the hoodie, it looked right.

"Do you have any preferences?" Sam asked.

"Nothing too strong. I'm not trying to get shitfaced, just enough for it to taste good." The goddess giggled, goddess being the only word he could use to even try to describe the brunettes beauty.

"Coming right up." Sam smiled and got to work on the drink he thought she would enjoy. Sam could feel the brunettes eyes on him, watching his every move intently. It was weird, since he didn't think he was doing anything particularly impressive.

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