◇ How You Two Met ◇

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Karl Fairburne

Karl was on another mission given by Weaver to take down a Nazi designed gun. He then comes upon you, a little baby. You were wrapped in a blanket in the middle of the field, right behind a small group of Nazi soldiers and the officer. Karl figured it was a trap, but still.. you were a baby after all. He double checked and made sure no one saw so he picked you up and rushed you to Weaver for him to baby-sit and then he continued on with his mission.

Jack Weaver

While on his way to meet the SOE sniper, lieutenant Fairburne, he comes across, you, a baby. You were in a basket and wrapped in your favorite blanket. Weaver took the basket made sure the basket and you were clean before agreeing to be your new dad, since he's wanted to be a father even before the war started.

Sofia Di Rocco

She is given a baby, you, by one of her partisan soldiers. You were wrapped in a blanket. She wasn't up for raising a child since she had more important things on her plate to worry about, but she still took care of you and tried her best at being a mother to you.

Lucio Baptiste

He was walking with his other companions as he backtracked when he seen a poof baby, you, sitting up after crawling around. He quickly picked you up as you couldn't read, especially German since you were headed for a ditch with the sign that read "Achtung Minen". He decided that since you couldn't read he'd teach you to read.. well that was his excuse to raise you, anyway.


He had found you as Sofia was transporting him to a doctor to get medical help. While on the way there, he spotted a Nazi about to test some sort of substance on you, a baby. He could only imagine it was probably poison so Giancarlo called out the soldier as The Angel and the other partisans aimed for the Nazi soldier as they fired. After they shot them down Giancarlo picked you up and despite his sick he kept you as his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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