Intro - Caipirovska

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          You and I had been in a relationship for ten years now, and even though it had gone to shit these last months, I would never have expected you to leave. It wasn't after a particularly bad fight, and somehow it hurts more. It was as it had been coming for a long time, and one day you made up your mind. Against me, against us somehow. I'm left alone at home, wondering if you'll ever come back? You are my goddamn soulmate. And more than that, you were the one who made me believe in soulmates, even though I don't believe in souls to begin with. That means something, right? We are meant for each other, surely, you can't begone for long.

I feel like this is the story of a dying love – out of this world, indeed, but still weak and surely not immortal.

The tension between us is so thick you could cut right through it only with a jigsaw. It pressures you into kissing me impulsively, but we are both disappointed by what happens. It doesn't taste sweet anymore, I mean it's not only sweet anymore: there's this sour taste, and I'm bitter.

The past is sugar, the present is vodka. 

This kiss mixes them together, blending in a toxic Caipirovska:
4 centilitres of a Standard Russian Vodka
1 lime
2 teaspoons of sugar
What did I tell you? It's more sour than sugary sweet."


Big thanks to @QuipChip for her support <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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