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"In-flight snacks, ladies?" I pretty voice asks. I look up to see a flight attendant and a snack cart. 

"What do you have?" replies Sydnee. "I'm not picky!" 

"Well, we have lots of things," she whispers. I look at her, she looks new. 

"I'll take whatever would go good together. I am underage, though so no drinks please and thank you!" Sydnee replies cheerfully. The flight attendant lady hands her a  Sparkling Cranapple along with cheese and crackers. I notice that Anastasia has moved nearer to us. 

What do I want? What would you want? Plums! We both loved plums and it's plum season now. 

"Do you have any plums?" I ask. 

"Yes, the finest." 

"I'll have some of those and water." You would have iced water with a lime. I feel my chest tighten. "with ice a-and a lime!" I suddenly shout. I feel Anastasia and Sydnee staring at me. I  try to ignore it. 

"Here you go," the flight attendant hands me my drink and plums. I look at their dark rich coloring. I hold one to my nose and smell it. It smells clean and fresh, with hints of sweetness. I bite into it. It isn't that juicy, but by the looks of the others, they will be really juicy. I continue eating, occasionally dabbing at my mouth with a napkin. 

I am on my last plum. I bite into it... and juice squirts out. I feel my face warm, it feels like fire. 

"Agh! your such a pig! You are lucky I need to go put on my evening outfit!" Anastasia shouts at me. There is a big dark red stain on her white designer dress. 

She walks into one of the bathrooms. 

"You are so brave!" she laughs. 

"It was an accident. I swear," I groan.

"Whatever you, say Fairbourne girl." She pauses. "Glass girl got what she deserved anyway. She shouldn't have been bossing those people around." 

"She owns FACAC, now I seem mean." I feel so guilty. 

"No one saw." 

I hear the door creak open.,. Anastasia is in a dark purple dress with a blouson waistline. It has a leg slit and an open back. I wonder what kind of impression she's trying to make. Suddenly Anastasia throws the messed up dress at Sydnee. 

"Agh!" she shouts. "What was that for?" Sydnee asks. She looks pretty mad, but her voice doesn't show it at all. I wonder if I'll be able to do that. 

"this all my fault," I moan. 

"No it's not. It is that stupid plum's fault," Sydnee laughs. I am overly grateful she isn't and at me. I try to settle down and nap, but all I can think about is you. 

"It's ok, mommy. I am not hungry anyways," you whispered. You could always make people happy. It was like you were a un-happiness/guilt detector. 

"I promise next year there will be a good harvest," dad stated. 

"Don't make promises you might not be able to keep," mom whined. I could see the pain in her eyes. 

"We may not have much, but we have each other, our voices... and my fiddle!" Dad cheered pulling his fiddle out of its black case. The fiddle wasn't in the best condition, but dad loved it anyways. He started to play and I could feel my toe start to tap. You started to dance a joyful jig. Mom started to spin around. I remember you and I would sometimes sneak out of our bedrooms on rainy nights just to watch mom and dad dance in the rain. It was beautiful. I could see the big wide smile on your face as you danced that night. I never thought I'd... 

loose you. 

"Are you ok?" I hear Sydnee ask. "Nova? Are you alright? You're shaking," Sydnee whispers concerned. 

"I'm fine," I hear my voce shake. "N-nigtmare." 

"We will be descending in twelve minutes," the loudspeaker voice commands. 

"Eee!!" squeals Sydnee. 

"I can't wait to meet Prince Charles," I say.

"We won't meet him until tomorrow," adds Anastasia grumpily. 

I am so excited. "Who do you think the other girls will be?" I ask.

 "Well, this time there's only thirty. I remember some," Sydnee pauses. "Lucy from Highvale, Leslie from Wellhollow, Aña from Crystalston, Ellen from Dracpond, Emi from Brightcastle... that's all I remember." 

"There's more?" I groan. 

"What did you expect?" asks Anastasia. 

I barely hear her. I am too excited to make your dreams come true. Finally, I'm useful for something. 

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