Chapter 1

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Matt doesn't mind being in pain, he has had too much experience to be affected by it much. Having experience with many different types of pain, he has long come to the conclusion that physical pain was the better option compared to emotional pain. The worst kind of emotional pain was hearing others suffer and knowing that you could stop it. After hearing the screams of the innocent for years on end, he had made a promise to himself that he would never let anyone be hurt again. It was why he had become Daredevil. It was that promise brought him to his current predicament, concerning the man in the cell across from him.

It all started about a month ago. Matt had just been going about his nightly vigilante business, when he heard a shrill cry. The area from which the sound came had no people in it, or at least no one Matt could sense, so he went to investigate, as was his self appointed job. When he reached the spot, he could detect a force of some kind swirling in the alley. In a lapse of judgment, Matt touched it. His hand went though were the pavement was supposed to be. In an even bigger lapse of judgment, Matt curiously stepped one foot into the hole. When he did so, a hand grabbed his ankle and pulled him through.

When Matt awoke, he found himself in someplace different, he did not know where. All he did know was that it was not a good place. He was poked, prodded, beaten, and when he fought back, subdued and drugged. After escaping his cell and running quite far only to be brought down with a tranquilizer dart, they kept him drugged constantly. He was aware of all of his surroundings, but he couldn't move.

He was not the only one in this unfamiliar place unwillingly. There were many others, but they did not last. They screamed and screamed and Matt could not help them. They died.

The young man in the cell across the way is Matt's latest neighbor. This guy is different, he seems almost normal. He does not have the unique energies the others had, but he still seems very strong. The guards treat him differently too. The treat him almost as if he was a person. As if they want to respect him, but can't yet. They called him their Gray Son, whatever that means.

Matt felt for the guy. He his heartbeat showed that he was absolutely terrified, but not of the guards. Something beyond them. Maybe who they worked for. Maybe who they represented. That probably meant that they wanted something specific from him, something dangerous or important. This guy would probably last longer than the others. Information took time.

The guards were scared of the man too. The hostilities were reaching a peaking point and the constant yelling was growing unbearable. If something didn't happen soon, there was going to be bloodshed. They needed to leave, escape.

The guards seemed to have long ago forgotten about him. After seeing that they could get nothing from him and they had finished getting whatever scientific data they wanted from him, they began leaving Matt alone. Their guarding of him had grown extremely lax. He didn't really matter to them, so why should they pay him much mind? They had even lowered his drug dose to an extremely lower amount without noticing the tolerance Matt had developed for the drug. Matt could now move, albeit slower than usual, but still fast enough to defeat the guards. It was very stupid for the guards to let him escape their notice.

The guy in the other cell, on the other hand, was constantly being watched. If he was going to escape, he was going to take the stranger with him. Matt couldn't let anyone else get hurt while he did nothing. Again.

There were many different ways he could escape, but he had to be careful if he wanted the kid across they way and himself to get out alive, though Matt couldn't care less about himself at that point. The sheer amount of guards meant that the only way to go about escaping would be to do it quickly, but there wasn't time to do it quietly either. Due to the distance between their cells, he couldn't communicate his plan to his soon-to-be escapee pal.

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