Chapter one, the meeting

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You wake up groggy from last night as you remeber that you took 10 shots of tequila in a row. Your head pounds like crazy from your hangover as you walk over to the empty kitchen  you've just moved into. The apartment was desolate and quiet. As you walk onto the kitchen floor, you feel the cold temperature of last night freeze your body, so you hurry up and grab what you needed. The feet could warm up now on the nice carpet in the living room, away from the cold kitchen floor. You head to the bathroom, taking a small cup of water and swallow the pain reducing pills. The mirror reflects back as you stare, the bended metal that is your body. You are a paperclip. The wire that is your body seems to be getting thicker lately.
Maybe i should go an a diet  you thought.
Leaving the bathroom as your head still pounded, waiting for the effects of the pill to kick in. You grab your bag and drive down to work, as you arrive you respond to the friendly greetings with smiles or shy waves. As you get to the desk, you put your stuff down and head to the breakroom to make some coffee to wake up. As you wait for the water to boil, you notice a strong presence, turning around you notice it was your boss. It was Rodney Copperbottom, succsessor or Mr. Bigweld. Mr. Copperbottom's body was infecting, his sleek body, strong jaw. He was sexy. You blush and quickly turn your head back to your coffee, hoping he didnt catch you staring at him. You could hear his foor hit the floor as he walked, the dread ran up your spine while you clenched your back; anticpantly waited for him to yell at you, he just whispered into your ear,
"Good morning, i hope i didn't startle you." he said in a strong, almost raspy tone. you felt his heat as he breathed on your shoulder, waiting for a response. What was this feeling? Butterflies?
You turn around to your boss almost two inches from your face, luckily he backed up and fixed his posture. As you stared, you realised you were supposed to respond.
"O- Oh it's you Mr. Copperbottom, im sorry if i seem like i was startled, i was just a little suprised to see you behind me."
He grins wide with a smirk, like hes undressing you with his eyes, visualizing you vunerable.
You blush again and stare at the ground while you feel his burning gaze. He looks up, alarmed.
"Y/N turn around! The coffee!"
He rushes to clean up the mess and gets it on his shirt. You freeze, not knowing what to do next. Finally you unfreeze and apologise, realising that he cleaned up the entire mess while you stood there, staring.
"O- Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I just froze, I promose it wont happen again!"
He ignored your apology and walked off into the other room. You stare down in shame, not had doing anything to help. Eventually, you walk back to your desk, abandoning your coffee. You try to get your mind off of it by working, but you can't. You still feel awful. Suddenly, one of your senior coworkers walked up to you.
"Mr. Copperbottom requests to speak with you."
She walks away to go do her own work. You swallow hard, fearful of the outcome. Walking to his office, you keep your head slightly down, avoiding stares.
Its only been a week on the job! C'mon Y/N
you thought.
While being consumed with thoughts, you hadn't notice the door, you walk right into the door of his office. You rub your forehead akwardly and walk inside for the lecturing you would be receiving.
You sat down while he stared at you with his hands holding his face, fingers intertwined. As you sit down, he speaks up,
"Close the blinds." he said firmly.
You nervously closed the blinds and sit back down. He gets up, walking towards you while his hand trails along the desk and whispers in your ear,
"I think you need to be punished."
he continued,
"with your body."
you're suprised and shocked, but you agree.
You knew deep down that you wanted him even though it was wrong.

The story of Rodney copperbottom and his favorable coworkerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant