Chapter 2

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"I'm so proud of you guys! Make sure you send in your hero costume designs." Our dad smiles at my brother and I.

"Already done!" I smile.

"Same." Sam grins.

"Well since you guys have less than a week in the (L/n) household, we are going to celebrate and help you guys pack. Additionally, we will be having daily Friday night dinners together once the semester has started." Our dad explains. "Oh, also that was your mom's idea- not mine."

Our mom is pretty strict, yet somehow fell for our goofy dad.

"Cool." Sam comments.

-at home-

"Omg! Good job making it in!" My sister Rory smiles excitedly. Unlike my brother and I, she is quirkless, which is near impossible due to our family's quirk genes, but no one outside of the family knows she's quirkless. At school, she pretends to have the scent quirk our family has, but soon she's going to go stay with aunt Laurali in America where quirks aren't as dominate in society.

"Dude. Happy for you to join me!" Our older brother, James, who is a 3rd year at UA smirks at Sam.

"Congratulations." Our mother coldly says whilst walking down the stairs. Rory looks at mother with pure hatred. All the emotional abuse and all. It's like coming from a line of purebloods and being a squib in Harry potter.

"Hello, Mother," Sam says.

"Hi mom," I say slightly after Sam starts.

"Ma." James and our other sister, Kai, state politely.

Rory stays silent.

"Let this be the last week before this family will be split apart. Rory will be moving in with my sister, Laurali. Sam, (Y/N), and James will be headed off to UA. So let us make the most of this week. On Thursday and Friday, you will pack and on Saturday your father will drive the three of you to UA. Kai, you will drive Rory to the airport. That is all, at 7 we will be having a small celebration for Sam and (Y/n)." Mother lectures.

We all go our separate ways. Mother approaches me.

"So I assume you met Momo Yaoyarozu, Shotou Todoroki, and Leon Hitachii, am I correct?" She asks.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"We are family business partners you met them all one at a dinner party about 2 years ago." Mother explains. "How was it getting to see them again."

"I didn't really remember them... I think Todoroki-san did though." I respond.

"Hmm." Mother says before she leaves.

Different POV.

"Good Job son. You made it in." My father says.

"Yes, I did," I respond coldly. My father and I aren't on the best of terms.

"Any people who pose a threat? Any more powerful than you?" He asks.

"There might be a few. 2." I respond.

"Train harder then. If I don't see results- you know the punishment." My father says coldly. Not like being beat by his ass is already punishment enough, but after we duel and he sees no improvement he will just torture me till he sees something like my body can withstand more pain or I've slightly improved.

"So what we're going to duel when we get home?" I ask.

"Exactly that."


Silence soon followed.

(Bet you are thinking that was Todoroki, but it's Leon.)

"TRY HARDER LEON." My father yells at me, referring to his quirk. "DON'T VIRGO GET THE BEST OF YOU!"

I was already half-dead at this point. The fire has barely any effect on the earth. Much less astral earth.

"GET UP!" He roars. I slowly get up before being thrown into the wall again.

I'm facing toward the door. I see my little sister looking through, her eyes full of panic and terror. My father storms over and drags me away. My sister lets out a shrill scream. My older brother comes running and slams the door behind him.

"Dad what the Hell!" Liam yells, sending astral earth at my dad before helping me up.

Father smashes the rock being sent his way and then leaves.

"Thanks, Liam."

3rd POV

"I thought you erase his memory!" A ravenette woman scolds a taller man.

"Then how would he remember the best woman for him in a probable quirk marriage?" The man responds.

"and you!" The woman scolds a couple. "I thought you were going to erase Momo's memories as well."

"We were, but She loves Shotou so much!" The wife explains.

"I made that mind wipe drug for a reason." Says the woman in white in the corner. "We can't let what the kids saw that night effect or goal. Izuku has been training hard, and now with All might's power, he'll be able to infiltrate the group easily. "

"Yes, and if he turns and we lose him?" The ravenette asks. "Even if we are planning to do this there is no guarantee."

"I know. But have faith in my son." The woman in white says, he green hair standing out.

"Do you really think taking down the league of villains from the inside will work?" The husband in the couple asks.

"It should. If not that boy is weak." A man says while walking in.

"Ah Hitachii, nice of you to join us."

"You as well, (l/n)." 

Balance (BNHA x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora