The Murder of One

Start from the beginning

Andromeda threw open the doors to the ballroom, seeing Damon chained to the ceiling by bear traps that bit into his wrist, cerulean eyes widening as Bekah stabbed him and the older Salvatore groaned in pain. "Rebekah!" Andy snapped, and the blonde only looked over her shoulder, before rolling her eyes.

"I did tell you that I would torture him."

"You said, 'little'. This is 'little'?" Andy asked in disbelief, and the blonde shrugged. "I'm only bleeding him of vervain. Sticking to the major arteries, so that he'll bleed faster. It's the least I could do, since he pretended to be interested and then used Sage to get into my head." She defended herself, and Andy scoffed, just as Klaus walked in.

"Oh, look what you've caught. If you're trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?"

"Nik!" Andromeda spoke loudly, at the same time Bekah snapped at her brother. "I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much." Andy rolled her eyes at the bickering siblings, quickly turning to see Elijah enter the ballroom, and she gestured to the hanging Salvatore with a pleading look.

"'Lijah, please!"

Her Original observed the scene in front of him, pursing his lips together, before turning to Rebekah. "Do make sure to clean up after yourself, Rebekah." He stated simply, and Niklaus laughed, Andy shooting Elijah a glare.


"I gave you my word that I would not kill him. I said nothing about maiming." Elijah breathed, shooting Andromeda look, and she crossed her arms as he spoke seriously. "And even so, whilst I may have given my word not to kill him, Rebekah did no such thing."

"You, and your bloody loopholes." She snapped, glaring at the Original, before walking away. Elijah merely sighed, rubbing a palm over his face in exasperation, before peering at his sister. "Don't kill him."

"And risk you facing her wrath?" Bekah teased, and Elijah shot her a stern look, to which she scoffed. "Lighten up, Elijah. I wasn't planning on it." Her brother nodded in acknowledgement, before following after Andromeda, who was beginning to pull out things to cook.


"Regulus is upstairs. He is upstairs, while your siblings are torturing someone he knows just a few feet below him." The elemental snapped, moving around the kitchen as she pulled out a pack of carrots, chopping them angrily as Elijah moved to stand across from her. "Regulus did not see anything, and the rooms upstairs are completely soundproof-"

"That is not the point, Elijah!" Andromeda raised her voice, slamming the knife down, and her storm clouds glared at the Original. "Reggie is six. He is SIX. He should not even be in the same house as-"

Andy cut herself off lips, pursing together in a frown as she listened, before she quickly rushed out of the kitchen with Elijah quickly following. Andy strode purposefully towards the study, a withering glare painted on her features as she focused on Niklaus, the hybrid hovering over Bonnie who sat on the leather sofa.

"You have got to be fucking joking."

At noticing her, Bonnie appeared relieved, and Andromeda just glared at Nik. "You're threatening her? Really, Nik?!" Andy raised her voice, and the hybrid raised a brow in surprise. "I'm merely convincing her, that it would be in her best interest to unlink us." Klaus defended himself, and Andy scoffed.

"Really? Convincing? That's funny, because if you truly wanted to convince her, you could have asked me. Her friend!"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you two were suddenly so close, seeing as she's Elena's best friend." Nik countered, and Andy pressed her hands against her face with a groan, Elijah stepping forward with a worried look.

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