Flourish and Blotts

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(Y/n) P.O.V

"Mum fancies him." Ron looked at us I giggled when she hit him on his shoulder, "make way there, please. Let me by, madam. Thank you. Excuse me little girl, this is for the Daily Prophet." I pulled Ginny into my arms, "ugh what a rude man, never date anyone like that." She smiled and nodded.

While he was getting his photos taken he managed to spot my brother but clearly not me cause I was too short it's not that hard to see me. "It can't be, Harry Potter?" I started laugh a bit evilly knowing that rude man will grab him. And to my knowledge I was right.

"Harry Potter! Excuse me, madam" just as I said it he grabbed Harry and pulled him up the front then Lockhart yanked him closer by his arm, Harry noticed me laughing. "What about my sister I possibly couldn't take all the spot light." I instantly stopped laughing. Oh. No. He. Didn't.

Next minute I'm pushed forward "Ahh!" ugh that same rude man grabbed me and pushed me on the other side of Gilderoy to which he yanked me in.

"How could you!? Pulling a Lady around like that!" Gilderoy looked at me all innocent "you are not a Lady yet your still a girl" I had it with him I pulled the most meanest face I could "then shouldn't that be worse yanking a young girl around?" He just smiled and pulled us in closer.

"Nice big smile you two, together we rate the front page." I kept my meanest face on while Harry looked dumbfounded, gosh I really hate this guy I'm not going hear the end of this from Mother.

"Ladies and gentlemen what an extraordinary moment this is. When the two young Potter twins stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography. Magical me." Everyone started to clap even Hermione!?

"Which. Incidentally is currently celebrating its 27th week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list. They had no idea, that they would in fact be leaving, with my entire collected works."

He grabs two stacks of books and roughly puts them in our arms. "Free of charge." Ugh he makes me sick "now, ladies." Me and Harry walk back to Mrs Weasley.

"Now you two give me those, and I'll get them signed. All of you wait outside, that's it" she said as we have her our books but before I left I told Mrs Weasley "oh the books I don't need you can keep." While she was distracted I slide a few Galleons in her purse, and then walked off smiling.

Harry waited for me and when I caught up he put his arm around my shoulder seeing as I'm a perfect arm rest, "I saw what you did you really do have a lot of Mother in you." I smiled up at him he wasn't that much taller than me but he did grow.

We started to walk out but when we got to the stairs we were stopped by Draco!? "Bet you loved that didn't you Potter." He only looked at my brother when he said that "famous Harry Potter! Can't even go into a book shop without making the front page."

I couldn't help but laugh luckily no one noticed.. except Draco- Malfoy that started to smirk, I could feel my cheeks heat up, but why is it cause he's much taller now even taller than my brother maybe the fact he lost a lot of that baby face and it's slimed out nicely, he still slicks his hair back but it's- gah stop thinking.

Ginny walks up from beside me "leave him alone." Yes my girl oh I'm raising her nicely, not actually raising her but.. ugh you get it. "Oh look Potter you got your self a girlfriend."

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin ~Year 2~//Draco x Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now