They both listened as Mike told about what had happened after he had left Win's apartment two weeks ago and how the date had went last night. It really sounded like they had a good time.

"Well, I think Toptap seems nice. He makes tasty food. Anyone who makes tasty food is a keeper in my mind." Win commented, his voice sounds indifferent. "And he went through that much trouble to get to you. It shows that how much he likes you. I think you should give him another chance."

"So you are saying that if a man can cook, you will date him?" Mike asked, apparently completely ignoring Win's last few sentences.

"Win just shrugged and grinned slightly. "Yeah sure, why not?"

At this, Mike sent a meaningful glance at Bright and he seemed greatly amused. Bright just panicked as he was terrible when it comes to cooking and Win would never date him but then he remembered he had no plans on confessing to Win, so it wasn't a problem.

Bright turned around in Win's arms so that he was facing the other instead and pressed his face into Win's chest, nuzzling it. A hand patted his head gently and he felt himself calmed down.

"And if he can't cook at all, then?" Mike asked, his voice sounded mischievous and Bright's ear perked up. What the hell was Mike trying to do? Weren't they were talking about his problem with Toptap? Why was Mike changing the subject?

"That's okay too. You like who you like." Win answered. "And why are you so interested in my love life? And why are you even here in the first place? Don't you have a best friend you can bother instead? The one who loves to take pictures."

"Oh, Bright? My idiotic house mate? Well, he's not at home at the moment, so I can't whine to him and you were next in the list."

Bright couldn't resist the urge to turn around and glare menacingly at his best friend. He didn't like being called idiotic, especially not in front of the one he likes. Mike didn't seem to notice his glares though.

"Which reminds me... Why did you name this koala after your friend? Are they that alike?" Win sounded genuinely curious.

Mike nodded and his face broke into a wide grin. "They are basically the same, the only difference is their bodies, their mind and soul are the same." He laughed loudly with an amusement, like just had told the greatest joke ever. Clearly Win didn't get it and was looking a bit confused while Bright wanted to smack his best friend's head with his hand.

"Well, I don't know. I never met him. Which is a bit weird considering he is your best friend and I'm your cousin. I have only seen him around the campus and heard about him from some of his fans."

Bright wanted to groan at the thought about his fans. He had some as he had been crowned with the title 'mysterious, cold guy' and many wanted to date him. Too bad for them that Bright only had his eyes for only one person and that he was not interested in girls at all.

Win suddenly grinned widely, burying his face on top of Bright's furry head. "I want to meet him one day and compare him to this adorable koala."

Bright cringed, not knowing whether to be happy or scared that Win wanted to meet him. It was nice to hear that but it was terrifying. Mike found it funny though, he just kept smiling widely, looking like he was going to laugh in any second. He probably knew that Bright was in a conflict.

"You should come visit one day." Mike suggested.

Win nodded. "Yeah, I should."

The two cousins talked for a few more hours before Mike left. Bright didn't manage to stay up the entire time and at some point he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was alone on the sofa and Win was lying on his stomach on the other sofa, asleep.

Bright liked being close to Win at all times, so he got up from the sofa and went over to the sofa where he carefully climbed up and settled on Win's back. He too laid on his stomach and wrapped his limbs around Win. Bright rested hi head between Win's shoulder blades and then he fell asleep again.

Win's face graced with a soft smile as he felt the koala on his back, it was a bit surprising that he hadn't woken up when Bright moved, feeling the koala climbed onto his back, it should had been quite noticeable.

It was quite dark outside and it was late, the sofa wasn't a very comfortable either and sleeping in a bed sounded more tempting. So he carefully moved to stand up while he held hands behind him, supporting the koala and carrying him on his back. Bright was a deep sleeper and he didn't even wake once as Win got ready for the bed and cuddled with him close. With the same oft smile he had when he woke up, he fell asleep again.

Win woke up with a feeling that something was missing in his arms but that something warm was pressed against his back instead. His first thought was that during the night, their positions had changed and the koala was clinging to his back again but he noticed quickly that there were actual arms around him. Human arms.

Still feeling tired, he tried to think if he had gone out last night and brought a random man home or something but the last thing he remembered was going to sleep with Bright in his arms. Win slowly turned around, wondering what the hell was going on. His eyes widened as he saw the man, noticing that he was naked. Win got panicked and sat up quickly, his eyes never leaves the sleeping man.

*Why is there a naked man in my bed?*


What?? Win?! Bright?! OMG

So here an update before Friday comes and I will not update this story for a few days. Sorry if there's any typos and grammatical errors and I typed this chapter in a hurry because some of my readers asked me to update this story as soon as possible.

And there are 2 chapters left before this story to end. Sorry again for the short story. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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