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Jack's POV

I woke up the ice cold water and Lian's-, no, Jill's evil sister face.

"Happy birthday, dear brother." Jill said with a half smile on her face. I threw the blankets off me.

"Jill!" I grumbled. She tossed me a towel skillfully. I grabbed it out of midair and started wiping my face and hair dry. 

"You need to dress." She said and tossed me my "prince uniform." I couldn't see how Phillip could stand it! It was so annoying, the tassels getting stuck on anything sharp. I groaned. 

"Yeah, yeah, wait for me at the table." I said. 


"Ah, I'm letting May come to celebrate your birthday, by the way." Jill said. 

"Okay. Can I take my break now?" I asked. Jill shrugged.

"Up to you, dear brother." She said. I smiled.

"Then wanna join me for some old training?" I asked. She smiled.

"Get your old stuff and come to the training room, okay?" I said.

"Okay." She replied and raced up the tower to her room.

Jill's POV

I raced up to my room, threw aside my rug and opened the trapdoor that revealed an array of cozy guest rooms underneath.

"Hey, May, Phillip and Penelope, he's on his break." May gave a thumbs up.

"We finished his cake!" Penelope said drowsily.

"Well, you should better get down there then." I said, and grabbed my old Eye armor and slipped it on. I grabbed my glowing sword and led them down to Jack.

Jack's POV

It's been so long... since I even touched these things. I swiped through the air. Heh. Not bad, actually. I guess training with the Charmed One, or m-my uncle, has its uses. Suddenly, I noticed that my sword was glowing a bit brighter than before. Then, I saw it. It looked like one of the Wicked Queen's portals!

"JACK!" Startled, I turn around too fast. My foot slips and I fall into the portal.

May's POV

"Jack!" The moment I realized that Jack had fallen into the blue circle, I acted on impulse. 

"Jack!!!" I yelled, running to save him. Suddenly I feel Phillip's hand in mine. 

"Princess, no, Queen, wait!" He shouted. I pulled from his grasp but he wouldn't let go. So that leaves me one other option.. I ran for the circle. Taken by surprise, Phillip is too late to warn me. Then I fall, only to realize that Phillip was still holding my hand, and to make matters worse, his tassel had gotten stuck on the fork Penelope was holding, so he had taken her with us too. A moment later, I see Jill jumping into the circle too. 

Jack's POV

Ugh.. My head. I opened my eyes. May, Jill, Phillip and Penelope were all standing  beside me.

"Hey, bro. You hit your fragile stupid head again. At least it's not anything serious but now these guys are mad." Jill said. I sprang to my feet.

"What?! Who are they?" I asked. In front of me was a boy with dark hair and sea-green eyes, holding a....pen? Wait, no, that was a sword! 

"Who are you, and how were you able to get in?" He glared at me threateningly. When I didn't give him a straight answer, he lunged at me with the sword. I smiled, and made time slow as I pulled out my sword and blocked it easily. In a few minutes I had already disarmed him. He looked shocked as the sword flew out of his grasp.

"You really thought you could beat the sword of the Wicked Queen? The sword of an Eye? Even I can't. I only bested it once, by using it's one power against it." I said. He looked at me confused. I sighed. It was clear he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Err....." I said, not knowing what to say. Was that too harsh? A girl with blonde hair and gray eyes gestured for us to come with her. Since I have nothing better to do, I follow her.

Apparently, the first thing they do to newcomers is attack them, then lead them to half-human, half-horses.

This place keeps getting weirder.

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