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Len's POV

"Why isn't she replying to my texts?!" I asked myself

To : Hyejin

Hey, girl! I'm here at your apartment!

Whatever! I'll just go inside maybe she's sleeping. I opened the door ans the lights were all off. Is she sleeping?

I went to her room and there's no one there. Where the hell is that girl?! I turned lights off in her room.

I heard something fell on the floor. I quickly went to the living room and opened the lights.

"Oh my gosh" I said while looking at Hyejin on the floor and Felix is on top of her

Hyejin pushed Felix and they both stood up. They are looking away. I guess they are embarrassed of what I just saw.

"Care to explain what was that?" I asked Hyejin

"We fell on the floor" Felix

"Woah there, dude! I don't care who you are or what. I need to know why you're here with Hyejin? Gosh! I can't- oh my! What happened? Is this why you're not going to work?" I asked Hyejin

"It's not her fault" Felix

"Are you two dating?" I asked them

"No" Hyejin

"Yeah" Felix

"What? Can you guys please tell me what's true? Are you two dating or not?" I asked again

"We're not dating" Felix answered

"Then why are you here? Where did you two go? Gosh! Explain everything!" I said and sat on the couch

They are standing in front of me like my suspects. I like this hahaha!

"W-When I- Uh..." Hyejin

"When the first night I went there remember what happened? I saved her from that old guy and brought her here. Since I had a fight with my parents I asked her to let me stay here" Felix

"I let him stay here and the other morning he already left. After that when I was sick I passed out, remember? He and his friends brought me here and took care of me. He stayed here that night until today" Hyejin

"W-What? Oh gosh! What are you thinking, Hyejin? He is a guy and you are a girl! You know a girl and a guy can only stay in one roof if they are married or a couple" I explained

"Sorry" Hyejin

"Wait, where did you two go?" I asked them

"It was Eunji, she invited us to her brother's party" Felix

They are both quiet and looking away. Ah! Last question! I want them to tell me everything.

"Do you like each other?" I asked

They both looked at me so shocked. And no one is talking, argh! This is so frustrating.

"No one's going to answer? Okay, both of you will sleep outside" I said

I know they like each other because they are not denying my question. You are so good, Len. Aigoo!

"Fine, you will sleep here Felix. While you Hyejin you will sleep in your room. Now, go!" I said and pushed Hyejin to her room and locked it

"What are you doing here? You didn't text me!" Hyejin pouted

"I did! You didn't noticed! Gosh" I rolled my eyes

I sat beside her.

"Hey, why did you asked such question? Do you know how awkward it is? And you made it even awkward" Hyejin

"Why didn't you answered my question, then? Do you like him? Huh? I can keep a secret" I smiled

"Len, argh! Please, stop!" Hyejin pouted

"So, do you like him?" I asked again

"I don't know! Felix knew about me, about my family. I was scared at first because I thought he will tell them. He promised not to, and whwn I woke up from sleeping when I passed out he was holding my hand. He even cooked for me yesterday and I even enjoyed staying here for the first time. Then, earlier we went to the mall to buy our clothes for tonight's party. We went to Eunji's house and I met his friends" Hyejin explained and lied down on her bed

"Hmm" I looked at her

"What is this weird feeling? Why do I feel comfortable with him? Why do I always enjoy every minute with him? Argh! It feels so weird" Hyejin covered her face

"It's because you like him" I said

"You can't just say that I like him. What if I just- Ugh! Whatever!" she shouted behind her pillow

"What?" I asked

"I just met him a few days ago ans ww're together for two days. Is that possible to suddenly like someone?" Hyejin

"Yeah! There are a lot persons who has the same situation as you. Besides, it doesn't matter how many weeks, days, or hours you were together. What matter is the feelings you are developing for him for two days and three nights" I explained

She removed her cover on her face and sat down on her bed.

"You will really fall inlove with him if he's doing something that makes your heart flutter. Also, I think Felix is a nice guy and he has a good heart. I want him for you, I know he will take care of you just like what he did that night" I smiled at her

"What if he doesn't like me? What if he likes someone else?" she pouted

"Let him like someone else. Just don't confess first, if he likes you he will confess to you first. I don't want him to take advantage of your feelings" I caress her cheeks

"I'm scared" Hyejin

"Don't be, okay? I love you. Go to sleep. I'll just drink coffee" I said and left her room

I saw Felix at the balcony. I went to him and looks like he didn't noticed me.

"Felix" I called

"Y-Yeah?" he looked at me

"I'm not forcing you to answer this question. But I just want to know if I can trust Hyejin to you" I said

"What is it?" Felix

"Do you like her?" I asked

"No" Felix

"Huh? Then why are you doing all of these to her?" I asked

"You didn't let me finish" Felix

I looked at him confusingly.

"I love her" Felix smiled


𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟸 |𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝙵𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚡|Where stories live. Discover now