A demons wish

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Some years passed by...and I am now 17....and till this day I can't forget that girl...how shocked she looked and suddenly ran out...everyone is now looking for her and some say that she is dead. I was sick and tired of everyone so tired that when some boys was talking about me...I snapped again killing everyone in the asylum...even the people that was looking out for us...I don't know why I kept on going insane...maybe it's in my blood. But, I put that aside and walked out and looked up at the sky with a bright smile as my eyes brighten up...I finally seen the sky again after all this torture...I went into an abandoned building and looked at myself in the mirror then I cut my hair short using a knife then my ends turn dark red...And my eyes turned dark. I decided to go to this training establishment the people in the asylum mentioned I walked in and I started to train for about 15 hours a day until I became a skilled assassin.

A month later and I left the establishment I was a brand new person and left my past alone and begun my future. By now I killed millions and maybe more than that and I still wonder where that girl went...I decided to go looking for her and I soon found this guy that looked like her, blonde spiked up hair..but red eyes. I then walked up to the guy with my mask on with a full black bodysuit "Hey...do you have any siblings perhaps?" I said then the guy carelessly pushed me out the way "Hell no, now beat it!" I looked at him pulled out my knife and rushed over to him knocking him down on his stomach "Okay...now you die" I pressed the knife to his throat then I heard a yell "Hey!!" I looked back to see a guy with spiked up hair...red with blue tips as he ran his fingers through his hair wearing Gucci shoes a watch on his left wrist and dripped in all gucci with red eyes. He looked 19"Let go of him or you'll be the dead one" he spoke. I slowly stood up and looked at him and took off my mask to make my fangs visible "You can try to" I said as my eyes glowed red and his eyes glew blood red as we fought I got a little cuts on him from my Katana that was used to slice off my dads head and punches on him as he punched me a few times and before I knew it he said something that shocked me "That katana kinda looks like mines from when I was 14...don't tell me your the one who murdered my mom and my sister!" He yelled then I stopped and I got distracted and he punched me in my stomach making me fly back and it felt like I was flying back in slow motion...."It can't be him...Zane!?" I thought to myself as I fell to the floor then he started walking towards me with his friend behind him then I stood up and looked at him "Z-Zane!!!" He looked shocked when I spoke "How the fuck do you know my name?" He mumbled and looked at me in my eyes. Suddenly my eyes widened and I dropped my weapon "....It's me...Emily..." He looked at me and he seemed to recognize me cause after he rushed up to hug me and I was mumbling "I couldn't save her...I-I killed him...I-...I-" he shushed me up and pat my head gently as he started crying..."It's fine...I'm here...Emily.."

A demons will, Reviewing the pastWhere stories live. Discover now