Chapter 1

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"(Y/N), wake up!" your little sister, Caroline, roughly shook you awake. "Uggggh...what...?" you groaned as you slowly pulled yourself up and faced her who sat right on top of you. "Why can't you just let me sleep?" you asked as you were greeted by 1 more of your sisters who came running into the room along with your youngest brother, Marco. You suddenly feel more awake than usual and when, BAM it hit you like a punch in the face. The sudden realization. "Today's the day, isn't it?" you asked, realizing that today was the day you were heading to the Galaxy Garrison. "Yes! I finally get to keep our room!" the oldest of your younger sisters, Valentina says while swiftly hopping out of the top bunk as she begins packing your things. "Is this really necessary?" you ask as she replies with a quick nod. You sigh and get out of bed while checking your hair. "My hair is not gonna cooperate today, is it?" you mumble to yourself as you walk towards the mirror. All you siblings run towards your bed, fighting to be the dominant one as you chuckle under your breath. "I'm really gonna miss this place" as you think to yourself about all the good memories and bad ones. "Los huevos están listos! (The eggs are ready!)" your mother yells. The moment she announces that, all of your sisters, including your brother Marco, run straight past you yelling, "LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN FRIJOLE!" You walk around your room observing everything, the scribbles on your wall from your troublesome two younger sisters, the cracked window that Valentina caused by throwing her shoe at you, and even your stuffed llama that you had atop of your bed. You smile and start walking towards the kitchen, running your finger against the hall, passing all your family pictures and the memories the frames hold.

You enter the kitchen with a delicious aroma lingering in the air. "So today's the big day, isn't it?" your father asks while sipping his coffee as you walk in. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm really just gonna really miss you guys. Even my siblings," you say. "Don't worry about it. This is what you've dreamed about. Oh, also the bus for the Garrison should be here shortly." your father informs you as he knows that you still haven't packed."I FORGOT! THANK GOODNESS VALENTINA ALREADY STARTED PACKING FOR ME!" you say as you run back to your room to see that Valentina was sitting atop of your suitcase that's all packed and ready. "There you go (Y/N). You owe me." she says smirking and walking out of the room. You feel thankful and give her a quick hug while muttering, "I'm really gonna miss the stupid you but also the kind you." "I know i'm gonna miss you too." she responds back while smiling. "Now I should probably eat breakfast or else Mama will murder me before I get the chance to even attend the Garrison." you say, running back into the kitchen with Valentina right behind you.

 You quickly sit down at the table and then without hesitation quickly finish your breakfast. You suddenly hear the sound of bus coming down the road as you peak out the window just to see the Galaxy Garrison bus coming down the road. Right now. Now. "Mama! The bus is here!" you yell as you go into your room and get your belongings. "Goodbye room." you say as you are greeted with you entire family at the door waiting to all say their goodbyes. "Te quiero mucho (I love you very much), (Y/N)." your mother says while hugging you tightly. All your sibling join you in a group hug the two youngest crying. "I'm gonna miss you!" says Caroline along with Marco. "I'll miss all of you too!" you say while trying not to cry. "All your things are now getting packed into the bus." your dad says while entering the house after he dropped off your luggage in front of the bus. "Be good at the Garrison (Y/N). I wouldn't like it if I had to come pick you up in the middle of the night." your dad says while pulling you into a hug. 

You smile as you walk out the door waving goodbye. You get to the entrance of the bus and one of the officers of the Garrison asks, "Your name is (Y/N) (Y/L), correct?" "Yes." you respond as you climb on board and take a seat. The bus engine starts to roar to life as it starts moving. You wave goodbye out of your window as you take a step into a new destination not knowing what you'd expect.

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