The first eleven years

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Harry Potter was born on the 31st of July, at 11:59:32 pm in one universe. In that universe, he grows up lonely and abused in his aunt's care. he is the Boy Who Lived, the Man Who Conquered, The Defeater of You Know Who, Gryffindor's Golden Boy-in that universe, the Saviour, self proclaimed Dumbledore's man. In this universe, he is born a minute later-and it changes everything. It's a ripple in the pond, a misplaced flap of a butterfly's wing. This Harry Potter was born on the first of August at midnight, and it changes everything. The Potters still die-but before that fateful All Hallow's Eve. They let down their guard. They were fools. But this time Peter Pettigrew never got the chance to betray his friends, Sirius Black never tried to kill the traitorous rat, and Albus Dumbledore  didn't need the boy to grow up abused and desperate for affection, and so the boy went to his godfather.  At a mere year and two months, this Harry James Potter was an orphan just as the original would become. In this one, the  Potters  died at the hands of Yaxley in battle. Severus Snape turned completely to the Dark, and so he never became the Potions Master of Hogwarts. He did manage to wriggle out of Azkaban. He was never marked here-for the mark was a reward that you must request, and  for only the Dark Lord's Most Favoured. He was one of the Most Favoured, yet never did request The Dark Mark.  Severus Snape was an Intelligent Man who never did feel the need to curry even more favour from the dark lord by requesting something that could be used to identify him. So he wasn't ever suspected of criminal behavior. however, no one ever asked the dark lord to spare Frank Longbottom's life.The dark lord never asked Frank to step aside in exchange for his child's life, Frank didn't offer up his life for his child's.  If the Dark Lord had stopped to think, the man was born on July 31st, 1960 at 11:59:47. His parent had defied the dark lord thrice-twice in school each, and once out of school.  Neville Longbottom lived, yes, but Frank Longbottom was the Defeater of The Dark Lord, The Man Who Fought. Alice Longbottom nee Fawley lived as well. Neville grew up loved, much to Dumbledore's frustration.

Harry Potter's first birthday: The Lord Black forced Sirius to become Lord Black and Harry the heir.

In the original, there was a party consisting of the Longbottoms, the Mauraders, Lily and Severus.  Here, Potter had a bigger party

1982: Petunia slapped him for the first time for crying too much.  Here, he had another party. This one was crashed by Aurors attempting to do an illegal raid on Grimauld Place. They didn't make it past the secondary wards.  Dumbledore feared Lord Black had gone 'dark' and illegally authorized the raid.

1983: Petunia moved him to the cupboard. Here, Lord Black bought him his first toy snitch.(Still no broom, per Jame's wishes. James was the true motherhen, we at inter demensional communications corporation still don't understand why people believe otherwise. After all, Cokesworth was a town of poor wealth, Lily Orchid Evans  grew up poor, she had second hand clothes or handmade ones(made by Petunia Rose, Grammy Heather Orchid, and Granny Orchid Belladonna(they didn't live with Lily's parents, because they managed to make enough of a living off their respective husband's retirement fund but couldn't afford to help much), as Rose Heather Evans  was always so busy working. Aunty Wisteria Belladonna was better off and sent new clothes and shoes at Christmas and birthdays  but that was it. Aunty Wisty married rich and didn't like to associate with the poor folks. Anyways, not saying the poor don't love their children, but let's be real, if you're working two ten hours shifts a day and you're husband is doing the same shift, your kid grows up independent right quick unless the  eldest steps up to bat, fast and stays on the plate. Even then, the eldest tends to pretty much raise themselves unless you have help. Regardless, you normally end up with a sink or swim attitude  or you baby the hell out of your children if given the chance(tuney and ittybitty duddykins)   even when your parents aren't abusive. Lily Orchid ended up with a  sink or swim attitude. James Charlus, like most wealthy purebloods, would be horrified if his baby boy grew up like his mother did. but they were still reckless, still so careless, they still died, why didn't they stay in hiding, why did they so foolishly think they were safe, just because they were the subjects of the prophecy, poor baby Harry James still grew up without his dad and mom. ) 

1984: Harry began his official schooling (unofficially, he's been training since he could walk and talk) for his future Lordship (the Potters never had a Lordship. They were Ancient  and Noble but they never aspired for greatness, they never had the itch that the Lordclans did, the itch for glamor, they had an itch to create, see fleamont , James uncle, the potioneer that created sleekeasy's, for our most recent example. Poor Jamie never did get his chance and Charlus, his greatest achievement, he claims to have been Jamie himself, but he did create several wards and runic patterns) in this world, but in the original, he started cleaning Dudley's room, sweeping, mopping, and folding laundry.

1985 in the original, Harry started school, here,  Harry punched Draco Malfoy's stepfather.(Lucius didn't succeed in wriggling out of Justice here)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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