A Ghost from the Past

Start from the beginning

"Has my mother...had other kids?"


Wyatt felt a bit of relief. He had suspected that Rune and Neros were the offspring of Aros and his mother. He was happy to know he was wrong.

"Is my mother involved with someone?"

Aros let out a laugh. "Asking for a friend?"

"I'm just trying to find out as much about her as I can. I would give anything to meet her."

"So come back when she's here."

"I'm afraid my father, Roy, may not allow me to."

"Why not?"

"He almost didn't allow me to come tonight. He wholeheartedly believes my mother is dead. Even if I told him different, he may not believe me. Could you ask her to come to Fire Crest?"

"I'm not sure she wants to relive any memories in Fire Crest. She watched Maverick die at the hands of the man she considered a father. And she blames herself for the actions of that sociopath. On top of that, Roy saw it too and he also blamed her. If she wasn't pregnant with you, she may have just given up."

"Now that she's had me and abandoned me, what's stopping her from giving up?"

Aros looked at Wyatt in disbelief. "You naïve child," he said shaking his head. "What the hell makes you think she would ever abandon you?"

"The fact that she's not here."

"Just because you don't see her doesn't mean she isn't there for you."

Wyatt's eyes widened. "She's been watching me?"

"You really need to talk to her if you think for even a second that she doesn't care about you."

"Can you take me to her?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

Aros stood and offered a hand to Wyatt. Wyatt leapt up with a racing heart. He was going to meet his mother. This had to be a dream. He took Aros's hand without hesitation and Wyatt felt the world shift around him and darkness engulfed him. He kept a firm grip on Aros as the feeling of nothing surrounded him. As fast as it had happened, it stopped.

"Oh good, you're still here," Aros said to someone casually.

They were standing in the middle of an ice palace when the darkness subsided. Wyatt didn't have a chance to look around. He didn't notice the cold surrounding him. He heard the shattering of glass on the ice as the woman before him dropped whatever she was holding. His eyes were frozen on hers and they had the same expression of shock on their faces. She took a step towards him just as he took one towards her. There was a slight hesitation and then they were in each other's arms. The smell, it was her smell. Wyatt couldn't control the tears running down his face. He couldn't let go of her. This couldn't be real.

"Mother..." Wyatt whispered with a soft sob.

"Wyatt," she said softly.

Her voice. It was the voice he heard in his dreams. They didn't know how long they stood in each other's arms but eventually they pulled away and stared at one another. Anya stroked Wyatt's hair. Wyatt touched his mother's face. She looked exactly like the portraits he had seen of her.

"It's really you," he said quietly. "I've dreamt of you so often."

Her eyes became thoughtful. "You have?"

"Yes. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I needed to know so much more than I was told. And now, here you are."

"Really? You wanted to know about me?"

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