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"Lauren I know your in there" Jahseh said banging on the door.

"Come on Lauren open up" He said banging again.

"GO AWAY IM NOT HOME" Lauren said yelling threw the door.

"Lauren please" Jahseh said letting out a sigh. Slowly he heard the locks unlock and there she stood. Snot filled , frail as ever.

"Are you happy, you see me .. im alive. Now bye" She said turning to close the door before he busted his way through.

"we have too talk" He said sitting in the same spot as the first time he came there.

"Close the door and let me wipe my face" Lauren said heading to the bathroom as Jahseh closed and locked her front door.

"So what do you wanna talk about" Lauren said siting on the opposite couch from Jahseh.

"I been thinking about you" He said looking at her.

"Look Jahseh none of this" she said before he cut her off.

"Let me finish"

"I ain't tryna be soft or nothing I just wanna let you know how a jhit feel" He said staring at her.

"Not gonna lie I had a couple drinks or two" He said chuckling looking at her.

"I started thinking about you" He said scratching his hand.

"I couldn't get your moans out my head, I couldn't get your smile out my head" He said letting out a sigh.

"I just felt like I had too see you" He said taking her in.

"I know we ain't known each other long but Lauren .. there's just something about you" She just stared dumbfounded.

"When your around .. there's no need for a show .. you are the show"

"What is that even suppose to mean" She said avoiding his intense gaze.

"Your with genabeave or whatever the hell her name is" Lauren said sighing looking at her fingers.

"Me and you" She said finally looking at him.

"Will never work"

"We're from 2 different worlds, your a man of the people .. no matter what there's always gonna be something in the way" She said looking at him with a weak smile.

"We don't gotta be together yet Lauren, baby I just wanna show you things" He said watching her.

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