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Blinding light. It is all I could see of the "outside" at first. I say "outside" because I didn't know it existed for sure. I mean, how could I because a) I have only been able to SEE for about two days and b) "outside" was only the place that my father disappeared to each night and told me stories about.

Anyway, "outside" remained a mystery and I intended for it to stay that way. I was quite comfy in our little hole under an old house, with my mother giving me warm milk and my father coming home smelling of all sorts of interesting aromas. I wanted it to stay that way, forever...

But, one day, my mother decided that she couldn't take it any more. After spending three weeks in the hole without a decent meal and without the excitement of a hunt (she had to live off the mice that my father brought her) she had to leave, but only for a little while she promised.

So, I decided that I would finally see what she saw and stepped outside.

At first I was blinded by the amount of light that seemed to come from nowhere, but as my eyes adjusted, I saw many things, most of them I could not name. For instance I could see a large space filled with swaying, green water. But my mother corrected me, telling me it was grass. I stored that in my memory for later on. Then, soon after I happened upon a large creature with no eyes and big, circular legs. A car, my mother told me, was all it was. Nothing to fear, she said, but keep out of its way for it is angered easily.

Soon I got bored after playing with several bugs, weaving in and out of the cars legs for a time and pestering my mother for milk, so I went back inside and fell asleep after my exhausting day. But it was nothing compared to what would happen to me next...

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                   OK guys... If I can get 4 votes I'll release the next chapter!!!! :P

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