A Very Moody Kitten

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 We were back home and I woke up feeling a pain in my lower stomach and went to the restroom. I went to the restroom and I  called Katie and she quickly came into the restroom. I told her about what happened and she explained that I had my period. She gave me a pad and I tried not to feel the cramps coming in. Katie told Draco what was going on and he gave me a hug. I whined and pushed him off and he gave me a weird look. " Sweetie, are you okay?" he asked and I shook my head and whined in pain. Katie rubbed my shoulder and I continued whining. Eric came in the room and petted my head. " How do we calm her down?" Draco asked and Eric shrugged and looked to Katie. " Well Heat always works and that's all I know." Katie shrugged and Justin walked in. "Well whenever Galina needed calming down I just give her affection." Draco stared at him and then looked at me. " I already tried giving her a hug and it didn't work." Draco stated and Justin shook his head.

" No no not a hug, she will just push you off, I mean licking her calming spot." Justin explained and took me in his arms. " Grrrr." I said and he shushed me and began licking behind my ear. I tried growling more but it felt so nice and I started meowing and purring. Justin stopped and I pouted a bit. He smiled at me and tapped my nose. I growled loudly at him and Draco took me into a embrace. His hands were really warm and I took one and placed it on my abdomen. My cramps went away and I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Meowfoy." I exclaimed like a little baby and he chuckled and brushed some hair out of my face. " Hi cutie." He cooed and kissed my cheek and rubbed my abdomen softly.

 We all sat down on the savannas and drank butterbeer. My cramps came back hard and I laid on Draco's lap and whined loudly. " Shhhh love, it's okay kitten." Draco cooed and rubbed my head. "How long does this last?" He whined and Katie thought about it. " I think mom said until we are 50." she told him and he sighed and whined. " Noooooooooo, baby, I can't have my wife like this til she is 50." He said and I sat up and cocked my head. " When did I say I was going to marry you?" I laughed and he smiled and gave me a small kiss. " I am marrying you baby girl and you will be a Malfoy." he stated and I played with his hair. " says who?" I played with him and he rolled his eyes and took me in his arms. " says your god-damn future husband, that's who." he smirked and tickled me a tad. " Hey!" I laughed and fell on the grass. Eric and Katie laughed softly and Justin smiled at us two. He started tickling me and I couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't stop til my cramps strike me again and I whined and pushed him off and growled. " Kitten, love stop baby." He cooed and brushed my cheek with his thumb. " No." I exclaimed and smacked his hand away.

He took me in his arms and I squirmed and tried to get out. " You are a very moody kitten aren't you?" He said and Katie told us that was normal. I got out of his arms and crawled over to Justin and went to my lion. " Hi feisty." He cooed and I pounced on him. " Grrrrr" I warned and he scratched behind my ear. " You don't scare me cutie." he said and went into his lion and pounced on me. I pawed at him and he just started licking me. I found a way out of it and wiped the slobber off my face. I glared at Justin and he started chasing me. " Nooo!" I laughed and ran for my life. Eric and Katie joined while Draco played with a little cheetah cub. Eric, Katie, and Justin chased me around the house and I ran towards Draco and hid behind him. I went human and got in Draco's arm and played tug of war with the baby cheetah. The mom came, said hi to us and took her cub with her.

My siblings came and I hugged Draco tightly. They turned back and I kissed Draco's cheek. I yawned from running and Draco petted my head. I was falling asleep and Draco kissed my eyes back awake. " I whined and pouted at him and he chuckled and licked behind my ear. That made me even more tired and Draco carried me inside and placed me on the couch. Starlight joined me and slept by me. I reached out for Draco who passed me and I gawked. Eric came in after and kissed my head and I pouted. Katie messed up my hair and I growled. Justin shushed me and tackled me on the couch. " Hey! Get off of me" I laughed and he rubbed noses with me. " Bad cousin." I giggled and caught my breath. Draco got a bit mad and picked me up. " Draco?" I asked and he shushed me and started snogging me. I pulled away and looked at him. " Meowfoy, I was comfy." I whined a bit and he shrugged and continued. Justin felt uncomfortable and left Draco to defeating my tongue, He grabbed at my ass and I push him hand away. " There is family around." I said and Draco poked my nose with his tongue.

I giggled and cupped his face. "Babe, they don't care, I mean Eric already saw us snog." Draco cooed and Eric nodded. " Yeah and it was intense." He laughed and I turned red and yawned. "Okay, bedtime for you missy." Draco said and I said goodnight to everyone and Draco carried me over the shoulder to bed. We snuggled up and I fell right asleep on his warm chest.

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