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...............Phoenix's POV ..............

10 people taken from me.
10 people who could of saved me
From the monsters in this world and in my head.

As I stand on my home for the past 4 years,Watching the world go by from above.
Tracing the red and faded scars that line my inner left wrist.
I had a very nomadic upbringing.
I remember glimpses of my Mom.
Her green eyes and blonde hair.
She would always move every 3 weeks and it was hard to move all the stuff so eventually we just kept one bag each.It was easier that way

I was put into foster care at 5 years of age.
Families would come and stare at us and pick us out like they were at a pet store.
I got adopted 10 times.
I would be picked up by young children, young adults that acted like children,But after about one month they would decide that a child was too much and they couldn't go out and party so they dumped me at the next orphanage.

The worse kinds of adoptees though,Were the kind that drank before 9 am.
And had anger issues.
I got my fair share of punishments
growing up but that's life right?

I ran away from the system when I was adopted for the eleventh time.
My new old man was too handsy.
And I might have been only eleven,but you just know.
You get that sinking feeling in your chest,your hands shake,and you feel pure icy fear shoot through you.

So when he snuck into my room in the middle of the night,I kicked him in his jewels and ran and jumped out my window.

Latched my arms on a tree branch and dropped to the ground.

I've been on the streets ever since.
Practicing in the arts of streetfighting.
I may have picked up a few criminal skills along the way...But who cares right?
Even if they tried to track me down.
I'm not in the system at all.
Yep that's right....
I'm a ghost.

The time is 12 pm,
My blue/Green eyes look over my city's horizon.
I pin my white hair back with a old clip.
And I take my stance on the ledge.

I smile thinking about all the new people I've met through the years.


Too bad I won't see them again.

Most travel and live under the radar anyways....


I can feel my hands shake with nerves.


My breathing speeds up,

I know I have to do this,

There isn't any other choice.

The cool wind blows harshly against me,

Leaving goosebumps on my bare arms..

The cracked gravel bites into my bare feet...

'Come on Phoenix', I think as I rub my arms,

'You have to power through your fear and do it',
I slowly close my eyes,And try the calming technique Mom taught me years ago.

One...for the gray eyes that never got to shine with pride and see me play my blue violin.

Two...for the green eyes that never got to shine with love as he kissed my boo boos.

Three...for the calculating green eyes that never got to shine with patience as he helped me with the same math problem two times already.

Four...for those blue eyes that never got to shine with happiness as I swam across the pool all by myself.

Five...for those fire eyes that never got to shine with compassion while he played me a lullaby so I'd finally go to sleep.

Six...for those dark eyes that never got to shine with complete confidence as he told me about his favorite baseball team.

Seven...for those dark stormy eyes that never got to shine with understanding as he scared away the monsters under the bed and inside my head.

Eight...for those blue eyes that got to shine with awe as he redid my whole wardrobe.

Nine...for those brown eyes that never got to shine with mischief as we played ninja to sneak chocolate chips into the pancake batter.

Ten...for those soft green eyes that never got to shine with love as she sang me to sleep and tucked me in at night.

Eleven...for the broken blue/green eyes that never got shine with love for her family.
All because of the Academy.
Ten...because I had to sing myself to sleep at night.

Nine...because I had to learn to be a ninja on my own.To avoid punishment.

Eight..because I don't know how to one cared enough to show me.

Seven...because I couldn't fight the monsters on my own,so they won.

Six...because I don't know how baseball works.

Five...Because I learned to play my own lullaby.

Four...because my demons can swim and I can't.

Three...I had to learn to help myself with school.

Two...Because I had to kiss my own boo boos.

And finally one...because I am a solo rogue Ghostbird.

'Well,' She said thoughtfully,as she looked down at the city of Charleston.

'It's time to get my family back.'

Let me know how you like this chapter.

Where do you think the boys are?

are they still a group or was loosing Sang too much to handle?

Where is Sang?

And more importantly what is Phoenix gonna do about it?

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